Fourty Four

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Jae's POV

Once I arrive home, I close the front door behind me and lean against it. Exhaling out, I close my eyes. Did that really just happen?

"Hey, babe." I hear a familiar voice calling me. I open my eyes and immediately see Mark in front of me, causing me to flinch.

"Hi." I simply reply.

He chuckles and holds my hand. "Where did you go? I was missing you."

Chuckling nervously at his question, I respond. "I was out shopping with a friend. We had a great time and we went to her house, afterwards, for dinner."

He nods slowly. "Sounds like fun." He ruffles my hair. "Come upstairs to bed, baby. It's late." With that said, he walks upstairs.

I sigh in relief. He actually bought that, right?

I quickly make my way upstairs, placing all the shopping bags in the girls's bedroom and get ready for bed.

I get into bed beside Mark and pull the duvet over us.

As soon as I lie down, I spot his eyes gazing into mine. That same gaze that felonies the same message every single time.

His face leans in to mine and he kisses me, to which I respond immediately. I wrap my arms around his neck and bring him close to me.

Mark's lips then part from mine. I notice his expression which had lust written all over it. He kisses me again, but hungrily, this time. As the kiss turns heated, his fingers make their way to my night shirt and he begins to unbutton it.

Then his hand digs its way inside my trousers and fiddles with my panties.

I instantly realise what he wants. Doing it with him feels wrong. It always has.

Parting from his lips, I press my palms against his chest and gently push him away. "No." I softly utter.

He frowns and starts kissing my neck, causing me to squirm from underneath him. Struggling from underneath him, his lips kiss my exposed shoulder. "No!" I snap and manage to push him off me.

Mark's expression morphs from lust to anger. "What do you mean, no?"

"I can't do this, Mark. I don't want to. You know I'm not comfortable with this, at all." I sit up.

"Come on, it's only me. You trust me, don't you?" He says, with a hint of firmness in his tone.

"I do, but we agreed to do it until after we get married." I say, low-key scared as to what he'll do.

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