Fifty Two

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Author's birthday special chapter:

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Author's birthday special chapter:


Taehyung and Jae has already decided what they want to do — part ways.

Jae still sent Taehyung an invite to make the twins happy and to keep the situation more civil. She mentally hopes and prays that he does turn up. She's currently in a battle with her mind — blame herself or not to blame herself.

Meanwhile, Mark ensures that his perfect day isn't ruined.

He doesn't want a scene nor a ruckus to be caused by Taehyung, so he decides to take care of things in his own way once again.

Taehyung left early in the morning, while everyone was asleep. He can't bear watching the woman he loves get married to his archenemy.

He has been fighting back his entire life. Trying to battle his demons that wanted to tear him down
— Mark and Bomi being included as those demons.

Taehyung leaving isn't him being a coward and not fighting back — that's him putting himself first. He is prioritising his mental health. He fought back physically and mentally. He fought back already when he challenged Mark, when he gained that bottled up love for Jae, when he created that special bond with his daughters, when he opened up to Jimin and Namjoon about what he went through.

He realises that he isn't alone. He has incredible people supporting him — people he's proud to consider as family.

Taehyung's departure isn't permanent, it's until he is able to fix himself slowly and come to terms with everything that's happened. He is doing this until he has recovered, both, mentally and physically — for the betterment of his health.

He's arrived at the airport with his luggage in hand and Jaehyun helps him out.

Jaehyun faces him and stares at Taehyung in worry. "Are you sure you want to do this, sir?"

Taehyung sends him a small smile and nods. "Yeah. For once, I need to think about myself too. With everything that's happened, I feel like I should do this, but it's not going to be forever."

"I'm glad." Jaehyun smiles. "You're so strong, sir. I really admire you. You've been my role model since I first joined the company. Well, you're the reason why I joined, anyway. I wanted to be like you."

Taehyung shakes his head and places his hand on Jaehyun's shoulder. "I want you to be better than me. I know you're capable of achieving more and bigger. Which is why", then he hands Jaehyun a file from his suitcase, "you're going to be taking over Gucci during my time away."

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