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Jae's POV

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Jae's POV

Already a month into the marriage and exams are approaching. Only a few weeks left until the end of high school.

The thought of prom still lingers in my mind. I'm very indecisive as to whether I should go or not. I haven't got anyone to go with. I can't go with Jimin because he probably doesn't want anything to do with me anymore. I definitely won't be going with Taehyung. A big NO.

While sitting on the sofa currently revising for upcoming exams, I take a glance at the clock. I wonder what time he will be home? I made dinner for the two of us. I don't like eating alone.

Suddenly I hear my phone ringing from beside me. I read the caller ID and see Mrs Kim's name on the screen. How come she's phoning me at this time? I hope everything's alright. I immediately answer the call. "Hello?"

"Oh hello there, darling. Are you alright?" She asks.

I smile. "Yep I'm okay, Mrs Ki- I mean mum. How are you?"

"I'm great, thank you. I'm just phoning to let you know that I'll be coming over in about 15 minutes. It'll just be me, so don't you worry." She replies.

"That's absolutely fine. You come over." I smile after answering.

"Thank you, darling. I can't wait to see both of you. I'll end the call now, so I'll see you in 15 minutes time. Bye, Jae." And with that, she hangs up.

I quickly put my revision stuff away and phone Taehyung to make him bring his own butt home.

I dial his number and wait for him to pick up. He picks up after six rings.

Instead of being greeted with a 'hello', I'm greeted with a cold tone. "What?" he snaps.

I roll my eyes before answering. "You have to come home, right now."

Then I hear him scoff. "Make me."

"Okay, will this make you? Your mother is coming over in 15 minutes. You're lucky I didn't tell her you're out." I reply.

He speaks after a few seconds. "What-" but I end the phone call before he could say anything further.

I tidy up the living room, trying to make it look spotless before she turns up.

After I just finished cleaning up, I hear the sound of the front door opening and closing. I glance at the front door and see Taehyung walking in with an angry expression worn on his face. What did I do this time?

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