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Jae's POV

"WHAT?!?!?!" The girls shout, causing me to flinch.

"Hush, quiet down. Someone will hear you..." I hush them and they instantly calm themselves.

"But what about Jimin? Does he know?" Ming asks.

"No...I haven't told him...I was planning on telling later today. I don't know how he'll react, though." I reply in a nervous tone.

"I'm sure he'll understand, don't worry." Mira wraps an arm around my shoulder and smiles at me.

Then the bell rings, signalling the start of first lesson.

We all sit in our normal spaces. I sit down in my usual spot, which was beside Taehyung and the window.

I sigh, knowing that I'm going to have to tell Jimin about what's happening. I don't know how he will react. Will he be angry? Upset? Frustrated? I'll find out later, I guess.

My thoughts instantly get interrupted. I flinch when I hear a thud on the table. I glance beside me and roll my eyes when I see it's only Taehyung. Great. Now my day will totally be great.

He sits down beside me, glancing at me with an annoyed yet irritated expression on his face. "Wow...I forgot I'd see a witch's face today."

I glance at him and raise an eyebrow, sending him a sassy expression. "Excuse me? You've been seeing this beautiful face everyday since the start of high school. Now, hush."

He shakes his head in disgust. "Jeez, woman. So sassy."

"Proud to be." I smile proudly and sassily flip my hair.

I hear him sigh and cursing under his breath. With that, I smirk.

Many minutes later, I feel something kicking my leg from beside me. I roll my eyes, knowing who it is.

He whispers. "Jae."

"What?" I answer quietly in a cold tone.

"Have you told Jimin about our marriage, yet?" He asks.

I glance at him with an irritated expression, whilst he smirks at me.

"Whatever I tell Jimin is none of your business." I reply quietly and raise an eyebrow.

"Well, you're going to have to tell him sooner. Otherwise..." His words trail off and he grins cheekily.

"Otherwise what?" I furrow my eyebrows and ask quietly out of curiosity.

"Otherwise...I'll have to tell him myself." He replies with a smirk plastered on his lips.

My eyes widen and my lips part slightly in shock. "Y-You wouldn't."

He shrugs and replies, "Oh I would. That's if you don't tell him yourself, that is."

I grit my teeth together. "I hate you, Taehyung."

"That's lovely to know." He remarks.

I shake my head and avoid his gaze by looking away.

I'm already planning on telling Jimin, but I'm worried that this news will leave him heartbroken.

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