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Third Person's POV

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Third Person's POV

Mark had stormed out of the house after the physical altercation between him and Taehyung.

Jae is in the living room, treating Taehyung's wounds. The scene that unfolded before her eyes had frightened her, hence why she's silent.

Mark could have murdered him. She contemplated while treating Taehyung's wounds. That scared me. I don't want to imagine what would've transpired if I hadn't stopped them.

Taehyung stares at her with a concerned countenance. The fact that she's so silent is worrying him. Jae catches his gaze at her and she exhales.

He brings his hand under her chin and makes her face him. They gaze into each other's eyes. Taehyung leans in and whispers against her lips. "I'm so sorry, baby. I must have scared you."

Jae shakes her head. "There's no need to apologise. Mark should be the one apologising to you."

"There's a lot of things he should apologise for. The most important thing is, you and the kids aren't wounded." He says, gazing into her eyes.

Cupping her cheeks with his hands, Taehyung gives her forehead a kiss then her face. She closes her eyes and he continues to kiss her face, until his lips brush hers.

Jae utters his name in a hushed tone. "Taehyung-"

He cuts her off by giving her lips a soft kiss as his hands still cups her cheeks. He whispers against her lips. "I love you." His gaze bore into hers.

She peeps at him with tears brimming. I love you too. Averting her gaze from Taehyung, she glances at the hidden camera that Mark installed in the living room. I doubt he'll be watching us right now. She thinks to herself.

Looking down at her own hands, she lets out a sigh. "Taehyung, we can't be seeing each other, any longer."

He shakes his head. "Jae, stop. This isn't you. This is Mark getting into your head."

I want you to be part of my plan, but I can't risk it, just in case he finds out. He will risk my kids and you, otherwise. I'd rather do this alone. She contemplates. "This is my personal decision. With the way that Mark's behaviour is currently, I can't let our kids be around that." She explains briefly.

"He hasn't threatened our daughters, has he?" His tone becomes stern.

"No. Gosh, no. I would never let him harm our daughters, you know I wouldn't." Jae immediately responds.

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