Twenty Seven

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Taehyung's POV

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Taehyung's POV

I stayed over at Bomi's house over the weekend without Jae knowing. Or at least I assume she doesn't.

I arrive back home after the exam, open the door and enter. I look around and see that Jae isn't in the living room. Frowning, I call out for her. "Jae!"

I hear footsteps approaching down the stairs. She glances at me then turns around and walks away to the kitchen.

I roll my eyes and follow her to the kitchen. "Jae." I call her calmly. She continues to ignore me by doing tidying the kitchen, causing me to sigh in frustration. "Why are you ignoring me?" I ask.

I hear her scoff. "Oh, now you care." She finally speaks and shakes her head.

"Jae, you didn't answer my calls and texts." I say, looking at her with a frustrated stare.

"I read them. I just couldn't be bothered to reply." She responds and shrugs.

I clench my jaw and glare at her. "What were you doing that was so much more important than replying to my calls and messages?"

"Unlike you, I was doing better and relevant things, like revising and tidying up the house. Also, you and Bomi ate all the food in the house, so I had to end up using some of my school dinner money by ordering takeout from outside for the entire weekend." She snaps.

I sigh. "I-"

"And on top of that, you have the audacity to not tell me that you were staying at Bomi's house for the weekend. I was worried. And alone..." She adds. I can't help but notice her eyes are starting to become teary, causing my heart to hurt a little for some reason.

"I don't have to tell you anything regarding my whereabouts. You don't need to worry or care." I coldly reply.

I hear her muttering under her breath. "Unfortunately, I do."

"Oh really?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, I do. And you know what the saddest part is? You don't even consider me as your wife nor do you acknowledge me as your wife." Her voice cracks as a tear escapes.

After a few seconds of silence, I clench my fists and my jaw. "Yeah, you're right. I don't. You finished ranting now?"

She scoffs in disbelief and shakes her head. She walks past me with a pained expression.

I sigh, wanting to punch a wall.

What is wrong with her these days? Why does she even care, anyway?

I need to speak to my parents again. Can we just divorce already?

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