Thirty One

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Taehyung's POV

I slowly wake up and blink my eyes to regain my vision. I frown and glance beside me, only to see Jae fast asleep in my arms.

With my arm wrapped around her waist, her face is buried in the crook of my neck. One of her arms are wrapped around my neck and her body rests against mine.

I feel the heat spreading across my cheeks at the proximity between us, even though we've done this many times now.

I gaze at her features then stop at her lips. The urge to kiss her is suddenly overpowering me. How can someone look so cute and soft while sleeping?

As I try to move, she whimpers and brings me closer to her while snuggling into me.

"Jae." I whisper.

She hums in reply.

"We have to wake up now." I speak softly.

"What for...?" She questions sleepily, hugging me close to her and pouts while laying her head on my shoulder. My heart races at how cute she is, especially in her sleep.

I gaze at her and speak softly, while bringing my hand to her cheek and caress it. "We have to make preparations for prom. It's tonight, remember?"

She slowly opens her eyes and nods. Our gazes lock and I smile softly.

"Good morning." She greets me with a soft tone as a smile etches upon her lips.

"Morning, honey." I reply before giving her forehead a kiss.

She smiles sleepily and begins to get out of bed, heading to the bathroom.

"Jae." I call her.

She turns around and glances at me. "Yes, Taehyung?"

"I need to ask you something during breakfast." I replies.

She smiles and nods. Then she steps into the bathroom then closes and locks the door.

Am I suddenly developing a soft spot for her?

After we both finished freshening up, we now sit beside each other and have breakfast together in the kitchen.

My hand touches hers. Next, I intertwine our fingers and hold her hand, stroking the back of it.

Sparks instantly shoot up within me.

"So w-what did you want to tell me?" She questions with tints of pink spreading across her cheeks.

"Oh yeah." I utters. I clear my throat and glance at her with a nervous expression on my face. "I just wanted to ask if you could like to be my date for prom tonight?"

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