What happened to Taehyung?

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He was just about to enter the airport, when a car stops and parks up nearest to where he was standing

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He was just about to enter the airport, when a car stops and parks up nearest to where he was standing. A man stepped out of the car and walked towards him. "Are you Kim Taehyung?" The unfamiliar man questioned.

Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows with a perplexed countenance. "Yes, I am?"

"Right, you need to come quickly. There is an emergency. Your daughters are missing." The man spoke with urgency in his tone.

Taehyung's eyes widened. "What?! How—"

"You need to be quick, sir, otherwise we will never be able to find them in time." He interrupted and led Taehyung to the car.

Taehyung didn't want to hear anything further and just entered straight into the car without a second thought. Mentally, he was in a panic. He wondered where his daughters could be and who could have taken them. He didn't want to think the worst. All he could think about were his daughters.

"How do you know that they're missing?" Taehyung questioned the man, who looked at him through the rearview mirror and answered.

"I-I was informed by their mother."

"Jae?" Taehyung simply says. He took his phone out to check for any messages or missed calls. "That's strange, I haven't received any calls or texts regarding the twins."

"I don't know why you weren't informed about this." The man hastily responded.

Taehyung shook his head. "I don't understand. Why would Jae not contact me when the twins are missing?" He spoke in an apprehensive tone.

Suddenly, the man parked up near a shop. Taehyung and the unfamiliar man stepped out and walked into a dark, almost confined, alleyway. Taehyung scrutinised his surroundings apprehensively. "Wait, why are we here—"

Taehyung asked, until he looked back and realised that the man was longer in his sight. Next thing he knew, he was pushed against the brick wall.

"What—" He uttered.

Until a man stepped out in front of him with a smirk on his face. "Hi, Taehyung."

Mark. His eyes widened.

"What are you doing here? The twins are missing!" I exclaimed.

Mark let out a chuckle and he shook his head. "You're so gullible. They are not missing, they never were."

Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "Then why was I led here?"

Just as he questioned, a gang of unfamiliar men stepped out from behind Mark. "To get rid of you." Mark uttered in a dark tone.

"What?" Taehyung whispered, then a fist came in contact with his cheek. The gang surrounded him and they each took turns to beat him up. They thrashed him to the point where he couldn't move an inch and they grabbed ahold of Taehyung and proceed to brutally damage him. In this moment, all Taehyung could think about was Jae and his daughters. He didn't care about living.

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