Fifty Four

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(Please listen to the song to get into the feeling of this chapter. It even somewhat represents the characters, their feelings, the events but also nearing the book's end).


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Jae's POV

We brought Taehyung back to my place.

The twins rush upstairs to their bedrooms in excitement to bring down what they made for Taehyung while he was in the hospital.

Taehyung and I had already discussed with the twins about Taehyung being their biological father, back at the hospital. They were somewhat emotional but happy, overall. They surprisingly took the news very well. Every time they call him "appa", it gives him immense happiness. He told me that it's exactly what he wanted to hear.

I lay him down on the sofa, ensuring he's comfortable. He gently takes my hand in his, causing me to halt. We exchange glances. "You don't need to go through all this trouble for me. I'm fine." He speaks.

I exhale and sit beside him. "You've been through a brutal attack. How do you expect me not to do anything?"

His lips curve up into a smile. I give him a perplexed countenance. "This reminds me of years back, when we were married, how you used to take care of me like this." Then he brings my hand to his lips and kisses my knuckles. "Just shows you're still the same affectionate and caring Jae that I've always been in love with."

My heart races at his actions; my cheeks blushing at his words. "I mean, I would never stop taking care of you." I bring my free hand to his hair and tangle it with my fingers.

"And that's one of the reasons why I love you so much." He replies, smiling fondly at me.

Before I could respond, Taehyung cups my cheek and leans in, kissing me passionately. His kiss lures me in, as if two souls have yearned for each other to be one for ages; intertwined.

He parts slightly and whispers, "I've missed you so much", and kisses me again but this time, deeply.

After what felt like a while, we part from the kiss and gaze at one another.

Taehyung kisses my cheek and smiles at me brightly. "You're so beautiful that even angels are jealous of you."

I chuckle at his compliment. "What's with the cheesiness?"

"It's not cheesiness, it's the truth." He simply says with a smirk etched on his lips.

Taehyung's fingers interlace with mine as he brings me into his arms. His breathing is faint against my ear. My heart palpitates as his hand glides down my back. Relaxing my head near his neck, I thread an arm around his waist, and nestle into him.

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