Thirty Eight

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Jae's POV

Mark and I have both freshened up and now we're ready for bed.

Before that, I brush and tie my hair into a low ponytail, then I switch off my bedroom light and get into bed beside Mark, who's immediately fast asleep. He must be exhausted from work.

I lie in bed and turn around with my back facing him.

My mind wanders off to today's incident with Taehyung and the twins.

I hate the fact that I kept this secret from him for 5 years but at the same time I had to think about my own feelings too as well as my daughters. He hurt me.

Don't I deserve so much better?

Next, I hear a knock on my bedroom window. Frowning and filled with curiosity, I get up from the bed and walk towards the window. Opening the curtains, I see Taehyung grinning, causing me to flinch at the sudden appearance.

I mouth to him, "What are you doing here?"

He points to the window, signalling me to open it.

Looking back at Mark just to check if he's still asleep,  I discreetly open the window for Taehyung to enter.

He gets down and peers over at Mark. He then rolls his eyes. I raise an eyebrow at Taehyung. Next he takes my hand and drags me out of the room, downstairs to the kitchen.

Just when I'm about to take my wrist out of his grip, he stops and lets go of it. We exchange glances and then I speak up. "What are you doing here, exactly?"

"I need to speak to you about something important." He says, gazing at me with pleading eyes.

"And that is...?" I question.

He exhales before replying. "First off, I'm sorry."

I frown slightly. "For what?"

"For everything. The past. What I did to you. You didn't deserve any of that. At all. Honestly, if I had known you were pregnant that time, divorce wouldn't have crossed my mind. In fact, I would have wanted to bring up our beautiful daughters with you. I would have sacrificed everything to help you raise them." He explains, gazing at me with apologetic eyes.

My heart feels somewhat warm and I soften a little at his words.

"I just wish you could have told me. Things would have been different. Between us." He says softly, gazing at me.

I sigh. "I wish the same too. But what you did to me-"

"I know what I did to you was uncalled for. I shouldn't have done it at all. That one huge, stupid mistake made me pay the price — not seeing our daughters. If I hadn't have done what I did, then I would have happily raised them with you. But you have to understand that I didn't want to hurt you." He says in a soft tone.

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