Twenty Eight {100K Special}

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Jae's POV

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Jae's POV

The final exam is in an hour and I'm dreading it.

I stand by my locker and take my books out.

I have to empty out my locker as graduation is coming up in a few days then prom will be a day after graduation.

I know that Taehyung is going with Bomi and the girls are probably going with the boys. I'll just be staying at home with just my baby and myself.

I sigh.

Being asked out to prom is and always will be impossible for me.

I probably shouldn't expect too much.

I close my locker and shove all my books in my bag. I make my way to the library to revise.

All of a sudden, I accidentally bump into someone and stumble, when a pair of arms instantly hold me. My heart pounds in my chest. I glance up and see a boy, who looks somewhat familiar.

He gazes at me with worried eyes. "Are you okay?" He asks softly.

I nod. "Yes I am, thank you."

He smiles before replying. "You should be more careful next time."

I feel my face heating up and I quickly nod. "Yeah I should." He's right. Jae, you're pregnant. You should be more careful.

"Anyway, where were you going in such a hurry?" He questions.

I reply. "The library. For revision. The final exam is in an hour, so..." Then my words trail off.

"Oh yes. I've been revising but I kinda need a revision buddy at the moment. It's difficult doing it alone." He chuckles nervously while rubbing the back of his neck.

"Well, we can revise together if you want." I suggest, before smiling at him.

He sends me a bright smile. "Sure, why not?"

Then both of us make our way to the library to study together for an hour before the final, big exam.

Taehyung's POV

The exam bell rings and it's finally the end of our exams. I breathe out a sigh of relief.

Everyone runs out cheering and laughing. I hear people chattering about prom, which is in a few days. Then they start asking each other out, causing me to roll my eyes.

I make my way home, when I see Jae smiling and walking with a boy out of the school. I raise an eyebrow. What is she up to?

A part of me wants me to follow them, so I do just that. When suddenly, a grip on my arm stops me in my tracks. I look back and see the boys. "Taehyung, did you forget we're going out to celebrate?" Hoseok question.

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