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Jae's POV

It's finally Friday, which means we get to go home early today. Every Friday we leave school at half 2.

At the moment, I'm in science class and it's 12:20pm which means there's only ten minutes left until lunchtime.

Suddenly, I feel something tapping my arm. I turn my head to the direction it came from and glance up to see who it is, only to see it's none other than Taehyung, himself.

"What?" I ask, in a whispered tone.

"I'm going to get you back today." Taehyung simply replies, in a quiet voice.

I furrow my eyebrows and ask, whispering, "Get back at me for what?"

He sighs and whispers, "For embarrassing me in front of your Dad, yesterday."

I huff in frustration and whisper back in a sassy tone, "Oh my gosh, big deal."

He looks at me with an intense gaze and says in a quiet tone, "It is a big deal to me. Don't forget that it's not just my father who has a reputation to uphold, I do too, as his son."

Then he sends me a glare and diverts his attention back to the front of the class.

I scoff and shake my head. Says the one who's a perverted bad boy in school, but such an angel in front of my parents.

Minutes went by very quickly, as the bell rings. It's finally lunchtime!

As I stand up from my seat and pick up my bag, I exit the classroom with the girls and walk with them to the dinner hall.

10 minutes later...

As I finished eating, I wait for the girls to finish too, as I chat with them at the same time.

Then at the corner of my eye, I see Taehyung entering the dinner hall with his friends.

Oh great. I need to get out of here before he gives me a payback.

"Umm..girls? I'm just going to go to the toilets and then I'll come straight back." I speak.

"Alright, but don't take too long." Rave answers.

I smile and nod. So I get out of my seat, pick up my bag and throw it over my shoulder, as I make my way out of the hall.

I finally reach outside the toilets. Just as I'm about to enter, I feel a hand grab my wrist. I turn around and see that it's Taehyung. He looks at me with his usual smirk as my eyes widen in shock.

He pins me against the door of the girls's toilets, with our lips just a few inches away from each other.

He stares into my eyes intensely and utters, "Well hello there, Jae."

"T-Taehyung, I thought the-" As I'm about to answer, Taehyung interrupts me.

"In the dinner hall? Yeah I was, but then I saw walking out of there. Then I remembered that I'm supposed to get back at you for what you did. I am..." He replies then smirks.

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