Chapter 2

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"Daddy!" I smiled as my dad walked into my room. My dad is my idol and I wanna be just like him one day with all my science and technology.

"Hello, Y/n." He replied. "Come here I need your help with something. Do you wanna help me with my experiment?" He asked.

He knew my answer "Yes!" I shouted. Dad reached his arm down at me and I wrapped my small hand around two of his fingers and followed behind him excitedly.

We entered my dad's lab room where he does all of his cool science. Dad picked me up and sat me down in a chair, it kind of reminded me of the chairs at the doctors' office. "I need you to sit back so I can buckle you in." Dad explained. I scooted my butt all the way back and watched my dad strap down around my tummy and both of my arms.

"What kinda science thing is this daddy?" I asked curiously as I bounced my legs on the seat.

"Well Y/n," he began as he turned towards his little metal cart with some tools on it. "Today I want to test something I made, but it has to be tested on a person. That's where you come in to help me."

He turned back towards me and I saw him holding a needle with some blue liquid, like the scary shots at the doctors. "Is it going to hurt daddy?" I asked a bit scared and nervous.

"Only a little." He said as he pierced the needle into my arm.

I felt the strange liquid go through my whole body. I screamed in pain and my dad watched calmly.

The pain kept pulsing through me for such a long time. All I could do was scream. My arms tensed up and I ripped them out of the belts, then ripping my tummy out too. I could hardly keep control of my body and fell to the floor screaming.

I looked up at my dad, my eyes filled with tears, he was watching his watch with a file in his hands.

Eventually the pain stopped and I stayed on the floor panting. I looked up at my dad who was now writing in his file. "Time of full dose: 1 hour and 36 minutes. Immediate results: Strength." He mumbled as a scribbled in the notes. "Y/n you will begin training starting tomorrow and will do so every day so that I may monitor your reaction. Clearly, the serum needs some touch-ups."

"Dad... what..was that?" I asked panting for air.

"That, my dear, is called the super-soldier serum. It's the first of its kind, making you the first subject of it." He proudly explained. "Now go to your room, I want you to continue studying the elements. I expect them to be memorized before your sixth birthday."

I sulked and walked off to my room still breathing heavily. I knew my dad's science was important but I had never thought it's become important enough to hurt me. Dad didn't even react, he didn't care that I was in pain. What is this stuff gonna do to me? Daddy mentioned being strong from it but he said he needed to monitor me and I'd be training now.

I've become an experiment of his. Nothing more. I'm not his daughter, nor his child in any way other than blood. I'm just another project for him to poke at and tweak until perfection. Maybe if I become the perfection that he wants then he'll love me again.

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