Chapter 19

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The freezer door opened as I awoke. "The arm requires repairs." A man instructed me.

"You were told last time that I am to be woken up every time he is, not after." I replied as they walked me to the medical room.

"Oh calm yourself my pretty, it's just a few bullets." He smirked as he grabbed my chin.

"Bullets I should've been aware of beforehand. Do not forget who's in charge of The Winter Soldier." I threatened as I moved his hand. "I highly doubt he'll take your orders over mine."

I entered the room and Bucky was sitting at a table waiting for me. The guards left leaving just me and him.

"Hi, soldier." I greeted softly. "I'm here to fix you, okay?"

"Thank you Y/n." He smiled as I began my work. "You're lucky you still have your name. Maybe your family will find you here." I have only been briefly explaining our situation to him. He knows we were taken here but he doesn't remember much else.

"I have no family." I lied. "Just you, which is why I'm taking care of you. There it should be working again."

The guards entered again. "Soldier return to your cell. Y/n follow me." Bucky nodded at the guard as a few escorted him to his cell, and I followed the first one.

We walked into the lab and I knew what it meant. Experiment. So far I was their favorite lab rat. The last time I was awake they gave me severe exposure to gamma radiation, the time before that they injected me with a ferrofluid injection. "Which is it today?" I asked.

"Methylphenidate. We're hoping higher doses will help enhance your brain. After that, we have another Super Serum for you to try." He explained as he filled the needle.

I sighed deeply as I laid on the table. I was sick of the serum and sick of the experiments but I needed to do what I could to keep Bucky alive

He injected the Methylphenidate which I had nearly no reaction to, at least no pain compared to the previous serum.

He prepped the second needle but as he got closer to my arm I couldn't handle it. I smacked the needle out of his hand. "No more serums!" I shouted.

"You're going to regret that, dear." He snickered.

A few more guards came in and strapped me down. He grabbed a fresh needle and injected the serum. I screamed in pain as I again felt the serum course through me.

When the serum was finished they unstrapped me and two of them began dragging me. I was weak and limp in their arms as they took me to a large empty room and strapped me to a chair.

The scientist that gave me the serum approached me. He slapped me harshly on my face. "Fetch him." He said in Russian.

I was breathing heavily, still in pain from the serum, when I heard the door open again. I looked up and my heart ached as I realized what my punishment was. Bucky stood in front of me and had recently been wiped, meaning he'd barely know me and was a clean enough slate to hurt me for a short amount of time.

"Soldier," the man began. "Attack."

Bucky walked up to me and began punching me. He brought his leg up and kicked me. I hung my head. He gripped my hair and made me face him as he began punching me repeatedly with his metal arm.

He punched me over and over again until I saw him hesitate. He looked me in the eyes and realized what he had done.

Since Bucky had so much exposure to me they could never fully wipe me from his memory, he always came back to me.

He looked at me in fear and sorrow. "Alright, enough soldier. Good work." The scientist congratulated.

Bucky released me from his grip and didn't break eye contact. "I'm sorry." He mouthed to me.

I gave him a slight smile in return, too weak to move or speak.

The men picked me back up and dragged me back to the Cryo chamber. I looked to Bucky before I went in as they cleaned my blood off his hand. "It's okay. I'm okay." I whispered as they threw me in the chamber. Shortly after Bucky was put in and we both were sent to sleep.

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