Chapter 49

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"Come now." He stood up and I stood with him. "Time to get back to your chamber. You've done lovely work today."

I nodded my head and followed.

I stepped into the chamber. "I'll be seeing you again quite soon." He smiled as he shut the door.

Just moments after it was shut the door opened again. I was quickly dragged out as the man who was treating me so nicely pulled my arm, leading me to the lab where they normally did experiments on Bucky.

"What's going on?" I asked. He didn't reply.

He strapped me down to the machine I occasionally see them hook up to Bucky when they use those words to rewire his brain to react to them.

Another man, this one in a lab coat, walked in with a rolling tray, I saw another serum with it but rather than the normal blue color that the super-soldier serum was this one was a yellow, almost golden color. It looked like honey, making me feel almost bittersweet as I remembered the sweet taste.

"What is your plan, sir?" The man with the lab coat asked.

"This booster we've created will allow the effects we use on the soldier work on her as well without affecting her thinking." The first man explained. "She won't even remember this treatment. We have enough booster to do this many times but only use this on her. We want to prolong its effects."

"Shall I add this to her notes, sir?" He asked.

"No," the first man quickly and sternly replied. "Some men don't agree with it. They fear that it will affect her the same way it affects the soldier and she'll be useless for design work. As my direct apprentice, you'll be the only one to know about this."

"What are you doing to me?!" I shouted. "You need me!"

"You've been here almost thirty years now Y/n. It's about time we stop giving you so much respect." He explained. "You're a prisoner, not a guest. All these men let you have alone time with the soldier, ask for your permission for missions. It's ridiculous. You deserve every bit of this." He hissed in my face before returning to the scientist. "You may begin."

The man injected the golden serum into my veins. I hardly felt it. I was expecting much worse after a talk like that. Then the machine lowered around my face as I prepared for the worst. I've seen this done on Bucky many times and it always pains me to see him in pain. "Remember, from this point forward she cannot be in the room for the soldiers' procedure. Say that she's interfering."

The scientist nodded then activated the machine. I felt the electricity flow through my body as the effects of the injection kicked in and my mind went hazy. The first man pulled out the familiar red book and began reading.










Freight Car

My mind felt dizzy and confused. "Perfect." The first man grinned. "We'll repeat this over the next few years until it begins to work. Thanks to the booster serum the effects of this will only last a few hours and she'll forget the whole thing." He explained as he dragged me back to my chamber and shoved me in, closing the door quickly behind me.

They brought me out of the lab and had me spar immediately. My usual opponent had been getting stronger each time we sparred.

I continued throwing punches at them until my mind slowly pieced together who I was fighting. Y/n. The same girl who had taken care of me. She's all I ever remember. I stopped fighting her, worried that I had hurt her.

To my surprise, she continued fighting me. I never knew her to be the type to fight me, from what I could remember she was always so gentle. My mind finally began remembering piece by piece what was happening but even still I couldn't understand it. Most of the time I was fighting with nobody fighting back, just taking the hits, it was her being punished, now I'm remembering the times with my sparring partner. It's still her. Those few spars that felt like fair fights were always her. Now I'm remembering that she doesn't stop fighting me unless ordered to stop.

"You're holding back soldier." A man called out. "Stop."

She stopped fighting me and took a few steps back. We stood opposite of each other and just stared. This was a side to her I had never seen. She looked malicious. She was breathing heavily from the fight until her face of our anger dropped to an exhausted one. Her eyes began to close as she got drowsy. The men took her off back to the chamber.

They had me sitting in the lab for a while. After a few hours of sitting in silence, the door opened and Y/n walked in. She looked like herself again. She looked at me with a soft smile.

"Hey, soldier." She greeted me. "Sorry I wasn't here sooner. These men don't seem to understand that I'm supposed to be woken with you so that I can fix you quickly."

"But, they did wake you?" I questioned. "You were with me, we were fighting."

She looked at me in shock. "Soldier, I would never hurt you." She kindly told me. "I'm here with you, I'm here to keep you safe. You're my friend." She reassured me as she continued to clean and fix up the wounds she had given to me just hours before.

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