Chapter 44

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"How come she's never chosen her own clothes?" Pepper asked Tony.

I could see the fear on his face as he had to prepare to tell her the truth. Wanda looked worried, and apologetic that she didn't know. Tony looked up at me. "You didn't tell her?" I asked.

"I wanted it to be your choice." He explained. "I barely told her anything about you."

Pepper looked between the both of us, confused. "What are you talking about? Tell me what?" She asked.

"I was born in 1920. I met Steve and Bucky while doing some work with my father on the army base. I joined them on a mission but Bucky and I ended up MIA and assumed dead. Both of us have been kept alive all these years by Hydra." I explained. "That is until I was given a home here. With my brother."

Again, Pepper was shockingly calm. I mean considering who she's sitting at dinner with I shouldn't be too surprised but even still. "So Tony, you have a good set up here for her then?"

"Yeah, it took some time to get it figured out but we've got it now." He awkwardly explained. He was clearly hesitant to mention that I was sleeping on a cot in a training room and being put on meds up until this point.

"Oh, well, I'm sure it took time after realizing your sister is alive." She agreed. "I'm sure your bed is super comfy compared to what you've had in the past, huh?" She grinned at me.

I was hesitant to reply. "Actually I haven't slept in my new bed yet." I began. "I was in a cot in the training room until today."

"Excuse me?" Pepper turned towards Tony.

"I still thought she was dangerous so I kept her in the training room and sedated her, but it's okay now. I fixed it, I have everything under control." He poorly explained.

"You sedated her?!" Pepper shouted.

"It was temporary!" Tony responded.

"Pepper, it's okay really. I'm fine now." I insisted.

She looked at me and softly smiled and nodded. Then turned back towards Tony. "We'll talk more about this later, Tony." She told him. "So, Y/n, you mentioned Howard, but not much. Did you guys get along? I'd love to see some cute father-daughter baby photos." She joked lightly.

"Well, let's catch up later. Pepper we should get going. I'll see you guys tomorrow, lock up when you all leave." Tony announced as he stood up. "I'll talk to her some more." He whispered as they headed out.

"He's definitely going to have a long night." Steve joked.

"It'll be more than just a night. Think about just how much she doesn't know about the family she's going to marry into one day." Natasha replied. "By the way, Wanda, thank you so much for dinner tonight. There's just something about Sokovian cooking that always amazes me."

"Oh it's not a problem at all, I love cooking for you all." She smiled.

"You girls can head home whenever. I'll clean up and do dishes before we leave." Steve told them.

"Thank you, Steve." Wanda smiled as she walked out the door.

"Don't forget to lock the front door, Rogers." Natasha called out as she left.

Steve began grabbing all of the dishes and carrying them into the kitchen to clean. "You did good." Bucky softly told me.

"Thanks. I don't know if she likes me yet though." I replied.

"How couldn't she?" He joked.

I smiled at his compliment and we continued sitting in silence for a moment. This was the first time we had been alone and both mentally okay in over 70 years. Every time we've spoken since my arrival here at headquarters has been a bit awkward with some noticeable tension. Honestly, how do you just go back to being friends after what we've been through? It felt like we were recreating ourselves while trying to get to know each other.

Something about this moment felt different though. Maybe it was because of the day we had, or maybe it was because we were both healing. Finally. I felt as if we both knew each other for our real selves for the first time.

"I'm done with the dishes so I'm going home." Steve responded. "Buck, are you coming back to my couch or finding somewhere here?"

Bucky looked at me for an answer. "You go ahead, Bucky, I'll be fine." I smiled.

"Are you sure?" He asked and I nodded in response. "Okay. Don't forget your melatonin though. Remember to ask Tony's smart system for help."

"Thank you, Bucky." I laughed lightly as they headed out the front doors, of course remembering to lock them.

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