Chapter 50

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They finished the words and I was unaffected. I was still myself. I felt the cuffs release my hands and looked at them for a moment, just to reassure myself that I was still me.

"Y/n, I'm okay!" I exclaimed. "You did it!"

I wrapped my arms around the neck of her metal suit in a hug as her hands released my face. She sat there frozen for a moment.

"Fight!" I heard the man command in Russian.

I stood up and turned to face him. "You have no control over me! I won't fight her!" I shouted. Suddenly I felt Y/n grab my hand and throw me to the ground behind her. I looked up at her and knew immediately that she wasn't Y/n anymore. They did it. She was their 'prodigy' now. All of my nightmares became true.

She raised her hand at me as she sent a blast of energy towards me. I rolled to the side, avoiding the hit.

"What's going on up there, Barnes?" Tony asked me on comms.

"It's Y/n!" I answered as I continued dodging her hits. "They turned her!"

"You Avengers may join the fight if you dare. Just remember it's just you and her now." The scientist menacingly told the team. I saw all of them run towards me.

"Alright guys, here's the plan," Tony began. "We're gonna do whatever we can to contain her. She's still my sister. We can't put her in any danger got it?"

Everybody agreed. As everybody ran in Y/n prepared another blast at me. Steve blocked it with his shield before helping me up. "You doing okay, man?" He asked.

"Little shaken up, but I'm alright." I responded shrugging.

I saw Sam hovering up by Y/n trying to get ahold of her hands. He almost had her until she tore his wings straight off his back sending him to the ground. Steve and I ran to his side. "Sam, you okay?" Steve asked.

"Yeah, I'm alright." Sam responded, straining.

"Y/n, please just listen to me!" Natasha shouted. Y/n turned to face her, still from the air. "We want to protect you. We're your family."

"I have no family." Y/n coldly replied before sending her fist to the ground. She sent out a wave of energy sending Natasha flying backward into a tree. Steve ran to check on her.

Sam and Natasha were both out of the fight now. With their injuries, there's no way they could take another hit from her, especially with how she's fighting. I can hardly stand another hit from her. None of us could even think about hurting her if we wanted to. Even if we had tried I know we'd fail. I just hope we can get her to safety.

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