Chapter 9

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"Miss Martin." The General called to me. I almost didn't react forgetting that was the last name I had given.

"Oh -uh yes sir?" I replied.

"Where the hell is Rogers? Stark said he was with you but I haven't seen him since he asked me about the 107th division yesterday morning." He asked me.

"Oh, I'm not sure I haven't seen him much since yesterday." I lied.

He sighed. "Very well. Come with me." He instructed, as we began walking toward the tent. We walked in and I saw my father leaning over the table, he looked frustrated. "She hasn't seen him since yesterday either Stark. I believe our suspicions were correct."

"Yes, it seems that way. General you're excused, thank you for the help. Y/n a word?" My father requested. The general walked out leaving just me and my father in the tent. "We noticed some ammunition and weapons missing from my helicopter this morning. We believe Rogers may have stolen it to rescue his friend Sargent James Barnes."

"Oh, wow. So he stole from us for some mission alone?" I lied hoping my father hadn't caught on.

"Enough with this act Y/n!" He snapped. "Rogers was some small kid from Brooklyn who was stupid enough to get in fights in every alley there is. Do you truly expect me to believe he knew how to fly a helicopter? I highly doubt any of these men know how to operate one, but I know for a fact that you do and I also know you had the keys so hand them to me."

"I'm sorry sir. I just wanted to help those men." I explained.

"And risk my experiment of over 20 years in the process? He's saving those men from a highly guarded facility alone. You should've just gone with him, risk your life so I wouldn't have to deal with it anymore." My father yelled. "If he doesn't return by tonight it'll be your name on the line. Now out."

"Yes sir." I sulked as I left the tent.

As hours went by I kept a lookout around the base to see if Steve had returned yet. Every minute that passed I got more and more nervous about what my father might do if Steve wouldn't return. He's right this was probably my biggest mistake yet I just risked the last of the proper working super-soldier serum. I walked around aimlessly watching for Steve when someone approached me.

"Are you alright?" Peggy asked.

"Oh Agent Carter, yes I'm fine just waiting for Steve's arrival."

"Look I know it was a risky mission but if he doesn't return you shouldn't blame yourself. I think even if both of us told Steve no he would've done it completely alone anyways." Peggy explained and I nodded my head. "Don't listen to Stark, he's just being rough."

I jumped slightly. "You heard our conversation?"

"Some of it yes. I can't imagine being an assistant to a man like that." She smiled.

"Carter. Martin." The general called to us. "This way please."

We followed him towards my father. "Mr. Stark, may we help you?" Peggy asked.

"I just figured you'd both like to be here to say hello." He led the way and we saw Steve with hundreds of men behind him and Bucky at his side. My father leaned towards me. "Not another slip up like that." I nodded as he walked to greet Steve.

"Captain Rogers. Good to have you back after your little getaway mission with help from my assistant."

"Right, sorry Stark, I just had to do what was right." Steve smiled and shook my father's hand. I looked up at Bucky and we made brief eye contact.

"Hey, I know y-" Bucky began before Steve bugged him slightly. My father then shook Bucky's hand. "Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Stark."

"You as well Sargent Barnes." My father smiled at him. "Steve, my assistant Y/n will continue to shadow you for now, but if I have to fire her because of you I won't be happy."

"Won't be a problem, sir." Steve laughed lightly.

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