Chapter 10

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I entered the bar that Steve and Bucky were celebrating with the other soldiers. I was hoping not to attract too much attention to myself, however seeing as I was the only girl in the bar that quickly became impossible.

"Hey, Y/n, come sit with us." Steve told me as he pulled out a chair at his table between him and Bucky.

"Hello Steve," I smiled as I sat down the turned my attention towards Bucky, and nodded once. "Sargent Barnes."

"Pretty sure I told you before it's Bucky." He smirked. "So any reason I couldn't speak to you earlier?"

"I'm Howard Starks assistant. When we met at the expo I was supposed to be taking notes, not meeting new people." I explained. I chose to lie and still say I'm his assistant because at least I won't be spending every day with him asking questions like Steve.

"Seems like a stern boss. Though that does explain your disinterest in his tech." Bucky laughed lightly.

"Y/n we were just forming a group. Some strong soldiers, a group of good men." Steve began. "I was thinking maybe you could join us?"

"Rogers my job is to follow you around, help with minor tasks, and take notes." I began. "With all due respect Captain, I hardly think my place would be fighting alongside you and your men."

"Alright well, I'll still at least keep you updated on all of our missions. We're working on taking down some Hydra bases. I spoke to the general about it already." He explained further.

"Oh, I'm very aware of the plan Rogers. I came here to discuss just that." I stood up. "Mr. Stark said he has some things he'd like you to try out. When you get the chance just come meet me by his lab. I have to get back now, I've got some note-taking to complete. Agent Carter will meet you at the lab and show you where to go." I explained before walking back to the lab.

I returned to my fathers' lab and he gave me a quick rundown. "Alright, Y/n I just need you to be note-taking, potentially designing some new material with this. Rogers took it from Hydra and says it powers their weapons. Seems to be a bit of an exaggeration at the moment but we'll experiment and see." He explained. "I want you to write down every single thing you notice about it."

I nodded my head as we walked through the doors. Inside I saw a bright blue ball, just a small spec, being held up with mechanical arms. I began taking notes of the initial appearance.

My father began to bring in the other arm I believe in an attempt to separate the piece. Almost instantly we were blown back. "Y/n, write that down!" He demanded. "We'll take a break from this and return later. Follow me."

We walked down to where we saw Peggy and Steve already waiting for us looking at some different material my father laid out for Steve. "That right there is Carbon polymer. Should withstand a basic bayonet however Hydra won't attack you with a pocket knife." He joked.

"Mr. Stark good to see you," Steve shook his hand. "Ms. Martin, thank you both so much for helping, my men and I really appreciate it."

"Of course I'm happy to," my father began walking alongside the table.

"I'll be off, some business to attend to. It'll only be a moment." Peggy told us.

"When you returned the other day my assistant here did tell me you were pretty attached to your old reliable here" he pointed to Steve's small dinged-up shield.

"It's handier than you think." Steve chuckled.

"Well, I did some designing and figured you'd be interested in a bit of an upgrade." He showed Steve his multiple shield designs. I noticed Steve peeking under the table as my father spoke. "This one's fun, she's been fitted with electrical relays that allow you to-"

"What about this one?" Steve interrupted as he pulled out the circular shield that I had designed.

"No -no that's just a prototype." My father began. I knew he'd hide the one I designed. Sure it's rare material but this is a rare man, a super-soldier, who I believed to be very deserving of that shield.

"What's it made of?" Steve asked as he picked it up.

"Vibranium. Stronger than steel but a third of the weight." My father reluctantly answered. "It's completely vibration absorbent."

"How come it's not a standard-issue?"

"That's the rarest metal on earth. What you're holding there, that's all we've got" he told Steve.

"Quite finished Mr. Stark?" Peggy asked as she entered the room "I'm sure the captain has some unfinished business." She snarked.

Steve turned to her hold the shield. "What do you think?" He asked with a smile.

She reached next to her and grabbed a gun shooting it at Steve four times before lowering it and smiling softly. Steve held the shield in front of him clearly in fear. "Yes, I think it works." She told him as she left.

Steve and my father stood in shock for a moment. "I had some ideas about the uniform." Steve said handing a note to my father without taking his eyes off Peggy.

"Whatever you want pal." He replied.

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