Chapter 28

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They woke up me and Bucky. "Mission today, sir?" I asked.

I looked at Bucky to see how he's been holding up lately. I know they've been waking him up without me, just like they've been waking me up without him. He looked dead inside, emotionless. Just blank. I yearned to help him, to escape all of this and save his mind.

"He has a mission. You will be back up. The mission will be against the Avengers, a few at least." The man explained to me.

"Understood. I'll have my mask ready and wait for your word." I agreed.

We were driving on the highway. They must've told Bucky the mission already because he left the car while we were moving and jumped to another car. He began attacking it.

After a little while of him attacking the people from the car, I noticed who he was fighting. Steve. Bucky didn't know him at this point. He had no idea he was fighting his best friend, someone we both risked our lives for.

The fighting continued and Bucky was taking a beating but was barely even affected. I kept a close eye out and put my mask on to prepare for a getaway.

Bucky's mask fell off, revealing his face. I left the van and began running towards them to catch up, they'd gotten further away at this point.

"Bucky?" Steve asked.

I saw Bucky's face of shock. "How do you know that name?!" Bucky questioned.

"Soldier!" I shouted in Russian. "Retreat!"

Bucky looked to me then back to Steve. He shook off the feeling and decided to continue fighting. I joined him in fighting Steve. Bucky became occupied with another avenger, which I noticed was Natasha. I didn't know what to do, I couldn't bring myself to kill either of them, I could barely bring myself to fight them.

"I don't want to hurt you!" Steve shouted at me. "I just want my friend back!"

"Believe me," I panted. "So do I."

I punched him hard in the face before backing up a bit. We then heard our boss in the distance. "Soldier! Prodigy!" We looked at each other before sprinting back.

We returned to the base and I brought Bucky to the medical room right away. He was hurt badly.

He sat down and just stared at the ground. I finished up with all of his flesh wounds before working on his metal arm. "Do you want to talk about it?" I asked softly.

"Did I know him?" He asked quietly. "He knew my name. He recognized me."

"Yes, Buck, we both knew him," I answered. "A long time ago the three of us were friends."

"Then why did we fight him?" He asked.

Before I could answer our boss came barging into the room. He pushed me out of my working chair and looked at Bucky. "Mission report." He demanded. Bucky remained silent. "Mission report, soldier." He spat.

"The guy on the bridge," Bucky took a deep breath. "I knew him."

"That guy is your mission." Our boss responded.

"But I knew him." Bucky looked up and our boss smacked him hard across the face. I flinched as I watched.

"Wipe him." He demanded.

"But sir," he smacked me harshly as well.


The men set the machine up and put the mouth guard in Bucky's mouth. They started the machine and I felt myself tear up as Bucky screamed in pain.

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