Chapter 31

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I felt like I was losing myself. I was becoming the monster Hydra designed me to be. Seeking my vengeance towards James for abandoning the only person who cared for him.

I found myself staring at their headquarters from a distance. I watched as each of them trained.

James and Steve boarded in one of Starks jets. They began to take off but I couldn't let them leave. I reached out my hand towards the jet and began pulling it towards me. The jet came flying at me fast and I could tell they were panicking.

I smirked as I removed my hand from the path of the jet, sending it flying behind me. I watched as it crashed into the trees.

The guys scrambled to get out of the jet. I saw a bright red blast shoot past me. I turned back towards the headquarters. Wanda was glaring at me with Natasha by her side. She had her hands ready for action. I began walking to them and saw both of their faces as they realized it was me. Wanda out here hands down. "Y/n?" She questioned in shock.

James came running up behind me. "Y/n, you're okay!"

I looked him in the eyes and they filled with tears as I felt my right arm jolt up. It was the tracker. He was watching me. "I'm sorry." I mouthed. He slowed down and looked at me, confused. My abilities pulled him towards me then sent him flying off to the side.

"Y/n!" Steve shouted. I shot my head in his direction. "I know what Hydra did to you! They hurt you, they brainwashed you so you don't remember who you are." My arm jolted up again I saw Steve flinch. "You're a very intelligent woman. We were friends once. That's Bucky, he's your friend."

"Not anymore." I coldly hissed as I sent him flying towards me then back behind me.

"Y/n, we don't want to hurt you!" Wanda shouted as she and Natasha walked cautiously towards me.

"Believe me, neither do I." I replied. A giant blast came flying at me, I looked up and saw a suit in the air before landing in front of me. Tony Stark. "I was wondering when you'd show up."

"Look, kid, I hear you've been brainwashed." He began. "I know you're probably confused and don't know who you are, but we can help you out. You just need to trust us."

"I know exactly who I am." I snarled at him. "Why would I trust you anyway?" I brought his suit close to me, holding him up. "You're exactly like him." I sent Tony flying into the air.

He flailed around for a moment before gaining stability. He shot a blast at me. I held both hands out in front of me and absorbed the energy of the blasts. He kept sending them at me and I continued absorbing each one.

He stopped and stared at me for a moment as he landed on the ground. They all were circled around me. I crossed my arms then released them back down, using just some of the blast energy, sending the energy in a circle around me. They all fell backward but Natasha, who had been just far enough back.

My arm forcefully jolted up at her. I struggled to try to bring my arm down. I looked at her and still saw that little girl from years ago. "It's just you and me now. Just us. Talk to me, please." She calmly said as she slowly stepped forward.

"You left me." I gritted through my teeth as I began to cry. "Each and every one of you abandoned me. After all that I did for all of you. I worked so hard for all of you, and you abandoned me. Left me to die."

I could feel the energy build up in my arm and I continued to try to take it down. "Don't do this Y/n." She calmly begged.

"It's not me." I whispered. Finally, I broke my arm free and shot down at the ground, sending myself flying back. As I was in the air a net shot at me, surrounding me. Once it was around me the edges lined up and locked together, continuing the only life I've ever known. Being a prisoner.

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