Chapter 41

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I messaged Wanda and she said she'll be ready for us to pick her up. I heard footsteps coming up behind me quickly and saw y/n. "Hey, how are you?" I asked.

"I don't think I want Steve to come with." She quickly responded.

"I thought you forgave them?" I questioned. "You seemed fine with Tony just a little bit ago."

"Yeah, but Tony seemed like he did this on his own. I don't think he told anyone." She explained. "He even had to remind Dr. Banner not to give me a shot this morning." If she was right then that means that Steve might not have agreed with it. "Here he comes. I'm leaving, still trying to avoid him. I'll meet you at the front door." She said before running off.

Steve approached me. "Hey Nat, Tony said you were looking for me." He smiled. He looked over and saw Y/n running off. "She avoiding her shots? I'll go grab her."

"Wait!" I yelled as I held him back from running. "She's not on them anymore. Tony got her a real room and took her off all meds."

"What?!" He exclaimed in shock. "Why didn't he tell me about this? She should still be on them."

"Why?" I asked. "She's been doing well this whole time. She deserves this."

"It's risky Nat, she should still be contained." He explained.

"Contained?!" I shouted. "What like some animal? An experiment?"

"She's dangerous, Nat. After everything they've done to her." He tried explaining. "You never know what she might do, where her emotions might be."

"Am I dangerous?" I asked in a serious tone.

"What? Don't be ridiculous." He laughed it off.

"Am I? I've been through The Red Room, they tortured me for years. Does that make me a risk?" I continued. "What about Wanda? She worked directly with Hydra, she was even experimented on by them."

"That's different Nat." I gave him a puzzled look. "You both were still kept alive and well throughout all of it. Plus your life wasn't drawn out an extra lifetime of torture and working with Hydra."

I nodded my head mockingly. "What about Barnes?" I asked and I saw his eyes widen. "He was in Hydra just as long as she was. He was used as a weapon and was tortured for a lifetime. In fact, he was even brainwashed by them and she wasn't. Does that make him a risk? Should he be contained?"

"That's too far now, Natasha." He grumbled.

"Why? It's a valid question. I'm sure Barnes would agree that the two of them lived similar lives with similar trauma that nobody will understand but them." I explained. "Honestly why do you think he's been sleeping here instead of at your place."

"Bucky's different." He growled in response.

"What's going on? What about me being different?" Barnes asked as he approached us. "You okay, man?" He asked Steve.

"Yeah, I-I'm fine." Steve stuttered.

"Hey, I really appreciate you and Tony changing your minds. She really deserves this." Barnes smiled.

"Don't thank him quite yet Barnes." I snapped without taking my eyes off of Steve. "He thinks Y/n should still be contained. He thinks that with her trauma from Hydra, with all the years of torture and experiments, that she's too risky."

"I've been through that Steve." Barnes replied as I saw his smile quickly drop into frustration. "What makes me not a risk but she is?!"

"Her abilities, Bucky! You know that!" Steve loudly responded.

"Which Tony managed to make a room that should be able to withstand that!" Barnes shouted, then he sighed and continued quietly but still very angry. "You really wanna lock her up after all that she and I have been through, after everything that she's been through, and you think that'll make her better."

Steve looked down in shame. "Come on, Barnes," I instructed. "Y/n's waiting for us."

Barnes and I walked away from Steve as I saw him huff then march off. "Where are we going?"

"Well, Tony said we can grab any car then we'll drive around front to get Y/n, pick up Wanda, then take Y/n shopping for her new room and some clothes." I explained. "Tony originally wanted Steve to come with but seeing as Steve doesn't agree with Y/n being out of a cell Y/n doesn't want him. Either way Tony wanted one of you guys with us, just in case."

"So Tony trusts her," he paused as he came to the upsetting realization. "But Steve doesn't."

"I'm not sure what Steve's deal is." I sighed. "For some reason, he just can't see that she's not a danger."

"Think about it Natasha," He began. "You Wanda and I have all seen her when she was considered dangerous. To us she was kind, she was the only good person in our lives. We simply couldn't see her as dangerous. Tony only saw her fighting us, which is why he reacted the way he did thinking she's dangerous but now he's apologetic because she's his sister. He wants to be better."

"And Steve?" I asked.

"Well he saw her abilities when we were fighting her which could explain it?" He said in a questionable tone.

"I thought you both knew her in the 40s?" I asked.

"We did. Actually, she and Steve were good friends, her job was to take notes on him and he was very nice to her. She helped him save me behind her dad's back, she ran away from her father to join us on a mission which led her to be in Hydra in the first place. He knew her secret and comforted her when her dad would upset her or even beat her." He explained. "Which is why I just can't understand why he's being this way. He knows how her dad treated her for her entire life, then Hydra. Steve should be somebody she relies on."

"I don't know," I said as we got in the car. "Let's just not bring Steve up. For her sake." I suggested. He agreed as we drove to get her.

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