Chapter 15

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I completed the mission with Zola in custody. Though I technically completed the mission it didn't feel right to return without Bucky and Y/n.

I returned to base mournful. I just lost my best friend since childhood and a new friend. Both of which I cared so much about. I reached the general. "Rogers, you're back. Mission report?"

"Mission success sir. However, there were two casualties." I, sadly, informed.

"I see." He paused. "I'm sorry Rogers. I know you were close."

"Can you point me in the direction of Mr. Stark sir?" I asked.

He nodded his head and motioned for me to follow. We walked to Mr. Starks lab where he was working alone and taking notes. "Stark," the general began as Mr. Stark rose his head. "Rogers would like a word with you."

The general walked out and I walked further into the room. "Steve, just the man I wanted to see." He cheerfully greeted. "Would you have happened to see my -uh assistant. Y/n. She was meant to be note-taking with me today however I figured you had some business for her to do."

"Sir I know she's your daughter." I let out bluntly. Y/n wouldn't have liked it but if I'm going to tell him I should tell him his daughter is gone not his assistant.

"So she told you." His tone went cold. I nodded. "She'll be in some trouble for that, she was specifically told not to. Have you seen her then?"

Part of me wished I wasn't the one to pass this news but honestly I was the only one who could. "She came on the mission with me and Sargent Barnes sir."

"Was it a success then?" He asked as he returned to work.

"Yes sir, Zola is in custody." I replied.

"Wonderful, have Y/n come see me then, we have tests to run." he replied.

"I was the only survivor, sir." I let out as I held back tears. "She wanted me to inform you that your experiment was a success. She was very strong throughout the mission and held on her own quite well."

"Humph, I'd hardly call it successful if she disobeyed my direct order then died." His tone hadn't changed from his cold bitter one. He showed no remorse for his child. "You're excused, Rogers. Remember, nobody may know about Y/n. I don't want you to speak of her again. Understood soldier?"

"Yes sir." I replied as I left.

He didn't even care his child was gone. He was more frustrated that she 'failed' than her risking her life for him. She died hoping he'd see her as a success yet he still somehow saw her as a failed experiment.

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