Chapter 24

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Some men woke me up and Bucky was still in his chamber. I've lost track of how many men have come and gone, I just know that whoever wakes me up is the man in charge of me and that I am to follow all directions given by any of the men here. "Is there a mission today?" I asked.

"For you, not for him." He told me. "Follow me."

He walked me out to a helicopter and we began to fly off. "Where exactly are we going?"

"A small country called Sokovia." He responded. "There, we have a research facility and have managed to get our hands on something powerful. We've been doing some further research into it as well as some testing. Many subjects died as a result, all but two."

"What am I needed for?" I asked.

"Another survivor." He coldly responded.

Another experiment. Another chance at death. With everything I already had in my system I highly doubt I would survive another experiment. He said it was something powerful too.

We arrived at the facility and I noticed we had a shield around the base for protection. I looked in awe as I could tell it was from a power source like never seen before on earth.

"I thought you might enjoy that. It's your design." The man told me as we landed. "We just needed the right element. This way."

I followed him and as we walked I saw two teenagers held in their small cells. One was running around the room at an insane speed, and the other was holding blacks in the air with powers.

They showed me to a room and from behind the glass windows, I saw another room with a scepter inside. "Is this the power source?" I asked.

"The same thing powering the shield, and powering the pupils out there." He told me. "Go inside the room. I want you to reach out to it try to get in direct contact with it."

I nodded my head and entered the room cautiously. Right away I felt a magnetic pull between me and the scepter. I reached my hand out as I prepared to slowly walk towards it and touch the stone. Before I could even reach the stone it pulled towards me and brought itself straight into my hand. I felt a power surge through me as I held the stone. I opened my hand, releasing the stone, and was sent across the room in a quick burst of energy.

I stood myself up again as the stone just sat itself back in its place. I left the room to report back to the man. Still, in shock I stared down at my hands, examining them to see if anything was different.

"Well, do you feel any different?" He asked.

"Yes." I answered, gasping as I still felt a strange energy flow through me.

"Fantastic." He then led me to a large training room with multiple cubes of different sizes sitting. "I'll send the girl in and see if she can show you what she knows so far."

I still sat there staring. What was this strange feeling?

A few minutes later the girl I saw earlier walked in. They shut the door behind her leaving just me and her in the room. "My name is Wanda." She outstretched her hand kindly as she spoke with her Sokovian accent. "What is yours?"

"They call me Prodigy." I told her as I shook her hand.

"Do you know your real name?" She asked. "I'd much rather call you that. Don't worry I'm not one of them, nor am I a prisoner."

"I'm Y/n," I answered. "So if you're not a prisoner why are you here?"

"Stark Industries killed my parents. I wanted revenge and these men needed volunteers. They offered to help me and my brother. I had hoped it'd bring justice against the stuck-up Stark."

I sighed. "Yeah, Howard Stark destroyed my life too."

"Howard? No his son, Tony. Tony runs Stark industries and has been for years now. He's the one who made the weapons that destroyed much of my country." She explained. "What did his father do to you?"

"Kept me isolated my whole damn life," I grumbled. "He didn't even search for me after Hydra took me. Being with them is no different than him."

"I'm so sorry." She gave me an empathetic look. "Shall we begin?"

"Yes of course." I answered.

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