Chapter 20

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They awoke me yet again. I looked to my side to see Bucky still in his chamber asleep. "Good, you woke me first. What mission do we have next?" I asked.

"None. The soldier will not be waking today. Just you." I was told.

"May I ask why?" Seeing as the Winter Soldier was my only real priority with Hydra, other than being an experiment, I had no clue why I would be awake without him.

The man remained silent and lead me toward one of the labs. I recognized this one but this wasn't the standard lab they took me to for experiments. "Wait here." He instructed me. I sat down at a table and looked around me. There were all different weapons around me and blueprints for more.

Another man, one of the scientists, walked in. "Hello, Y/n. I've been excited to meet you for some time now." He greeted. "When I started you were still asleep and I haven't quite needed your soldier yet."

"What am I needed for without my soldier?" I asked sternly.

"You're a Stark. A very intelligent young girl too. I could use that here." He began. "I want you to design some different material to hide the identity of both you and the soldier. Just in case you'll be needed. Then I'd like some more weapon designs, potentially shielding ones, it'll need to be something to shield a larger area."

"Yes sir."

I began my work designing masks for me and Bucky to cover our faces. After some brainstorming of the shielding idea, I've found a few that may work but I'd need a stronger power source, similar to the rock my father tested maybe.

He came in to check on me. "Hello, sir," I greeted. "I have a few different designs." I said as I handed him the blueprints.

"Yes, these will do nicely thank you." He smiled. "Tell me, why are you so cooperative. I've heard from many men here that you do as your told. Meanwhile, your soldier needs to be wiped many times to get him to stay in control."

"There is no reason to fight Hydra, sir." I began explaining. "I work for Hydra now, much like I worked for my father. My soldier does not see it that way." I felt bad for Bucky. I knew he wanted to escape so badly but I know I couldn't do that.

"It's been about, I'd say, twenty to thirty years that you've been here." He began. "Has your father not come looking for you?" He smirked.

"No, sir." I sighed. "My father does not worry for me. To my knowledge, he believes I'm dead."

"Yes, well I suppose he did replace you as well"

"Excuse me?" I questioned.

"Yes, it was just about everywhere on the news." He got close to my ear behind me and put his hands out in front. "'Howard Stark announces the birth of his son, Tony.' Isn't that exciting?"

"He announced it." I felt myself get emotional. "He has another child and announced it?"

"Yes of course he did."

I got frustrated. My father spent over twenty years keeping me a secret now decades later has another child and announces it. That little boy will probably get the life I could only have ever dreamed of. All the love a father could give. Friends. A mother. All of it. He gets everything I've wanted.

"Come now." He stood up and I stood with him. "Time to get back to your chamber. You've done lovely work today."

I nodded my head and followed.

I stepped into the chamber. "I'll be seeing you again quite soon." He smiled as he shut the door.

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