Chapter 37

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I began walking around taking in just how big the headquarters was. "Y/n!" I heard a sigh of relief as Natasha came running up to me and hugged me. "I'm so glad you're alright."

"Agent Romanoff." I sternly greeted. "It's good to see you again."

"You can just call me Nat here." She told me. A man came running up from around the corner. "This is my good friend Clint."

"Yes, Hawkeye. I'm aware." He came up and shook my hand.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you." He smiled. "Sorry about the net earlier. I thought we were under attack."

"You were." I bluntly informed him.

"Well, I thought it was a dangerous threat." He explained.

"Don't underestimate her Barton." Natasha joked. "She trained me when I was young."

"I am a threat and I was very much attacking all of you." I blankly explained.

"Ehem, well, uh Steve wanted to see you, Nat. He's in the meeting room." Clint awkwardly informed before walking off.

"Did you want to walk with me?" She offered. "You looked a little lost, I get it this place is big."

I nodded my head and we began walking. The hallways felt endless and the more turns we made the more confused I got. "So we're back to being serious and formal again?" She asked. I said nothing and continued following her. "You know, I looked up to you. A lot actually. I wanted to be just like you one day."

"That's a horrible idea. Raise your standards." I told her continuing to face forward and avoiding looking at her.

"You showed me care when I needed it. You weren't so hard on me." The corner of her lip lifted to a gentle smile. "I even thought of you as a big sister. The family that I've always dreamt of."

I stopped walking and she stopped with me. My heart ached for this woman who had thought so highly of me as a child.

"I know it seems silly, especially since I only knew you for a short amount of time, but you meant so much to me. You meant everything to me as a child, you gave me exactly what I needed in my life to keep going and try my best." She explained. "I wouldn't be where I am today without you." She began walking again and I shortly followed.

I thought about what to say to her. I shouldn't be so formal with her anymore. It's not right. I'm not her instructor, and even when I was she thought of me as a sister.

"The scientist from Hydra sent me after you. He placed a tracker in my arm and sent me to kill you, Barnes and Maximoff." I quickly explained. "The tracker could send quick shocks into my arm, controlling my muscles. Even controlling my powers."

"I know all of this already Y/n." She responded. "I don't blame you."

"He was making me hurt everyone." I began to tear up as we stopped in front of the meeting room. "He successfully used me against everyone. Except you. When he made me aim at you I could feel the energy build up in my arm. He was trying to make me hurt you. But I looked at you and I saw that same little girl from many years ago. The little girl that strived for perfection with every hit. The little girl that reminded me of myself. The same little girl that I had grown to care a lot about and even thought of her as a little sister."

Natasha pursed her lips as I could see her holding back tears. She pulled me in for a tight hug and I hugged her back as I choked on my tears. "I love you." She told me in Russian.

"I love you too little sister." I responded.

Steve stepped out of the room. "Sorry to interrupt," he said. "Tony and Wanda are here. We're just waiting on you, Nat. Y/n you can wait here." I nodded my head as Natasha went inside the room.

I sat on the chair waiting for the meeting to be done. I couldn't hear their conversations but I could hear slight mumbling. Then I started to hear yelling but couldn't make out what they were saying until the door flew open and Natasha came stomping out with Steve following close by.

"Screw you Stark!" She yelled.

"Nat, wait," Steve pleaded. "We just think it's what's safest."

"Safest for you? Nobody's in any danger, Steve!" She shouted as she continued leaving.

"Romanoff, come on. It's the best option." Tony called out as he stepped out of the room.

"No, it's not!" She snapped as she quickly turned to face him. "It's a selfish option and I won't be part of it. I'm going home. You can expect me tomorrow to check on her." She left the building in a rush.

"I'll try talking to her." Steve said before he left after her.

Wanda slowly made her way out of the room. "She is right you know." She said with an angry and almost saddened look on her face. "It's not right."

"It's our only option right now." He sighed.

"But what does it cost you?" She asked. Tony remained silent. Wanda got close to his face. "Good luck explaining to her that you're just like him." She hissed in his face then looked at me with an empathetic look.

I remembered the skill she taught me long ago and tried to read her thoughts. "He's treating her the same way her father did." She thought. "She deserves more than this." There was a pause as I continued trying. "I know what you're doing, Y/n." Her thoughts answered.

I looked up and she stepped into the meeting room and grabbed a tissue. "You're nose, dear." She kindly told me. I dabbed away the small nose bleed.

"You know what I heard. What do you mean?" I asked.

"Ask Stark." She coldly told me. "It was his plan."

She stepped away and I looked up at Tony who had a hesitant look. I was afraid to ask him. "Well?" I asked. "Is there something you wanna say?"

"You're going to stay here. The training room will be your bedroom for now I'll get something built soon." He answered.

"Is that it?" I asked surprised at how simple that is. I couldn't see that being the reason for Natasha's outburst.

He sighed deeply and I became nervous as I knew there was more and it had to be bad. "I'm going to be suppressing your abilities." He told me. I felt myself begin to choke up as I realized what this meant. "You'll be getting injections of a minor depressant created by Bruce three times a day. Once at seven in the morning, once at noon, and once at five in the afternoon. You'll also have an oral medication before you go to sleep to keep your body stable overnight." He explained.

"What?" I asked, shocked at what he had planned.

"I'm sorry, kid." He sighed.

"No, you're not." I huffed. "No, see, if you were sorry you wouldn't have manipulated me and lied to me. You really got me to believe you cared about me. You said you're going to protect me."

"I am protecting you." He stepped closer as I began to cry but I stepped away from him.

"No, you're not!" I shouted. "You only care about yourself. You only see me as an experiment!"

"It's not like that," He responded as the lights began to flicker. He noticed the lights and I saw him tap his ear and mumble something I was too angry to listen to. "I'm just trying to keep you safe, kid."

"No, you're not! You're keeping yourself safe, don't pretend you care about me! You're turning me into your little experiment!" I shouted until I felt a sting in my shoulder, I turned to see Bruce had injected me with a tranquilizer. My body became weak and Tony caught me and held onto me. "You're just like him!" I tiredly hissed before falling unconscious.

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