Chapter 25

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"What kind of training are we doing exactly?" I asked.

"Trying to see how the stone affected you." She answered. "For my brother, it gave him speed, and for me, it gave me telekinetic and telepathic abilities. I'm here to see if you gained my style abilities."

"How do I figure that out?" I asked. "I feel an energy surging through me but I don't know what it is or how to use it."

"That block over there," she pointed to the opposite side of the room. "Try to lift it and bring it towards you without moving. Just hold out your hand and guide it."

I lifted my hand and focused. Soon after, the block lifted into the air but instead of hovering in place, it came straight towards me. Similar to the stone, as soon as it hit my hand it shot itself back.

"Based on your face I assume you didn't intend for that to happen?" She asked. I shook my head. "Hm, I wonder if your abilities resemble telekinesis but not quite. What does it feel like when you use it? And when it propels away?"

"Well, when something is coming towards me it feels like a magnetic pull from my arm to the object," I began. "But when it pushes away again it feels like the pull was interrupted like it was trying to pull more but couldn't, then it's almost like I can feel the repellent energy replacing the magnetic one."

"I wonder if we try it on something other than physical. A source of energy perhaps?" She offered.

I looked around the reached my hand up to the light. I tried just keeping myself focused on the energy in the light rather than the physical light. Slowly I felt the magnetic energy pulse through my arm towards the light. After a few moments, the light went out.

"Amazing. Your abilities they seem to be more of absorption than a magnet." Wanda said in amazement. "Meaning the repelling aspect to it must be an expulsion thing. So you're able to harness energy in your body then expel it outward."

I looked down at my hand for a moment as I slowly came to some realization. I pushed my hand outward and the energy expelled forward following down my hand. The energy quickly shot out with a glow and crashed into the blocks, sending each of them flying.

"Wow, that's phenomenal." Wanda exclaimed in excitement. "It's so wonderful to have somebody like me around now!"

"Well unfortunately I won't be around much. A bit of extra training maybe but they always bring me back." I explained.

"Well, I'll happily help you control your abilities." She said with a smile. "I have an idea. We can try to turn this ability into a telepathic thing alright?"

"How? I don't have your abilities, Wanda. Just the absorption and expulsion."

"Absorb their thoughts!" She exclaimed. "Here focus on my mind. Just on me. It always helps me to cancel everything out, oh and try not to use your hands." I followed her instructions. "I'll think of a memory you just tell me what it is if you see it alright?"

I nodded and then focused just on her. Slowly my brain started canceling out everything else. I could feel my mind starting to feel attracted towards hers like they were pulling together. Then I saw her memory.

It was her as a child sitting on the couch with her family. They were watching sitcoms. Suddenly I came back to reality. "Did you see it?" She asked.

"You looked happy." I smiled.

"Yes, and I was." She smiled back. "Your nose is bleeding by the way. That may be a result of the ability trying to do what it wasn't meant to do."

"Thank you, Wanda."

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