Chapter 5

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I joined my father with his work for the military. He was working directly with a scientist. Finally, after 20 years of working on it, he felt he had completed the Super Solider Serum he gave me as a child and we found a man who may be a good candidate to test it. For the sake of this soldier, I'm hoping for some major improvements from when I was given the serum.

"Y/n remember please you can't tell anyone that you're my daughter." My father explained. "I want you to say that you're my assistant."

"Yes father, understood." I agreed. We just had this last thing to do before leaving for Italy. My father was working with a German scientist, Dr. Abraham Erskine, on the serum for quite some time now.

When we arrived at the lab many people were waiting already. "You're just going to sit up here and observe." My father demanded.

"Understood." I was careful not to say father, I didn't want anybody to overhear me or I could be in serious trouble. My father walked down to the lab as I sat down. I watched as he prepared everything before the subject got here.

After a few moments, I saw Dr. Erskine walk in with a woman and a small man. I recognized him and hoped he didn't recognize me. Though we didn't speak to each other I recognized the small scrawny man, Steve, which was Bucky's friend that I had met at the expo. My father introduced himself to Steve before getting him ready to enter this large chamber.

I already felt nervous about this. What my father gave me was just a single syringe, but what he's doing to Steve is multiple injections and being inside of this container strapped down. Granted I was only a child and that was the first test, but I still was hoping my father and his partner adjusted the dosage for this many injections to be safe and bearable.

They began the machine going bit by bit. A bright light beamed from the chamber. Once the machine got to 70% we heard Steve began screaming in pain. My mind flashed in memories of the pain I felt when I was given the serum.

"Shut it down!" The woman that walked in with them shouted out as Dr. Erskine tried to shout to Steve. "Shut it down!" She repeated.

"Mr. Stark turn it off! Kill it!" Dr. Erskine agreed.

My father began hesitantly doing what they asked him until Steve shouted. "NO! DON'T! I can do this!"

My father continued with the machine pushing it up to 100%. There was a slight pause until the circuit boards began sparking from all the power being used. The machine powered down and the bright light faded away.

Finally, the chamber opened up revealing something that simply amazed everyone. The once small and frail man was now what looked like a picture-perfect soldier. As everyone gasped at the sight of the newly muscular man I was more amazed at the short amount of time it took. Though he was panting he wasn't experiencing the serum through his veins anymore. What was once an hour and 36 minutes for me was only 2 minutes for him.

Everyone from the top booth walked down to greet Steve and ask him about this experience so far. I remained at the top and continued noting some immediate observations of the effect on the serum. His physical changes, duration of pain.

Suddenly there was an explosion in the booth I was sitting in and I was thrown down into the lab. I heard a ringing in my ears.

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