Chapter 42

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We entered the shopping center and it was larger than I expected it to be. I didn't even know where to begin. "Do you like it?" Wanda asked.

"Yes. It's amazing." I exclaimed happily. I honestly don't think I've felt this excited in a long time, if ever. The last memory I have of this taste of freedom was dancing with Bucky at the expo.

"How about you girls go grab some clothes for her, and I'll take her for her first cup of coffee in 80 years?" Bucky suggested.

"Great idea, Barnes! Meet back here in an hour." Natasha excitedly jumped.

"See you soon. Stay safe." Wanda softly told me with a smile as Natasha dragged her off into a nearby store.

"So, coffee?" I asked.

"It's gotten much better since our day, trust me. They've got so many flavors and sweet stuff. You'll love it!" Bucky exclaimed as he walked me into the café just across from the store the girls walked into. He sat me down at a table near the door. "You wait here, I'll get in line and order something. I'll surprise you."

I sat patiently waiting for Bucky as I watched him slowly move up in line. A man sat opposite of me at my table. "Hey there," he began. "You just sitting here all alone?"

"Oh, I'm not alone, sir. My friend is in line." I explained as I pointed to Bucky who was now waiting for our drinks by the counter.

"I'm sure your friend wouldn't mind if I sat with you. Keep ya company." He grinned.

"I suppose not." I reluctantly agreed.

"So, you think you and I could get out of here. Maybe spend some time at my place." He said as he reached for my hand.

I quickly pulled my hand away from his. "Please do not touch me, sir." I politely begged, trying to remain calm so I didn't have an outburst. I wasn't used to confrontation, only following orders.

"Well, how can I resist with a beauty like-" he reached his hand out again, this time towards my face until a gloved hand quickly grabbed his arm and pulled back.

I looked up thankful to see Bucky with the two drinks sitting neatly in a carrier in his right hand. "She asked you not to touch her." Bucky sternly told him.

The man stood up and got close to Bucky's face. "What if I don't?" He growled. "You ain't the boss of me."

"This is your only warning." Bucky replied. "Leave. Now."

The man clenched his fist and glared down at Bucky. "Hey!" I heard Wanda call out. Bucky turned to face her. "Come on."

"So you got your little Avenger friends with you huh?" The man snarled at me as I followed Bucky towards Wanda and Natasha.

The man grabbed me by my wrist. I quickly turned my arm over freeing my hand. I quickly brought my palm up against his throat, he trembled back in shock.

"Enough! Let's go!" Natasha instructed me in Russian.

Wanda and I sat in the back seat as Natasha buckled herself into the driver's seat. Bucky angrily threw himself in the passenger seat and handed back my coffee before huffing and mumbling multiple profanities.

"I could've taken him." He huffed.

"It wasn't a safe environment Barnes." Natasha replied, rolling her eyes as she began driving.

"He blatantly ignored her!" Bucky shouted.

"So then you ignore him! Yes, he's an asshole! That happens!" Natasha sternly told him. "I get you're angry but you're being dramatic. Besides, clearly, that's not a good environment considering how she reacted to it. She's still not used to being in public yet, and neither are you, Barnes."

Bucky huffed back in his seat, accepting defeat. Wanda leaned towards me. "I'm pretty glad I can't understand them right now." She joked.

If he recognized them is there a way he could've known me? Maybe if anybody heard the Avengers were attacked by me. However, Natasha's right, I'm not used to being out in public yet nor am I ready for it.

We arrived back at headquarters and I followed them inside.

"Hey, how was it?" Tony asked, excitedly.

"Fine." I replied quickly, trying to walk past him.

"Pause." Natasha ordered and I stopped dead in my tracks. "Back up and face him. Explain everything."

I sighed as I turned to face Tony. I was honestly ashamed to tell him how it went. He was so excited for this to go well just for me to ruin it.

I quickly explained to Tony about the situation with the man. How everyone did fine with protecting me when I felt uncomfortable. Then I, reluctantly, explained how I had reacted to the man grabbing my wrist.

Tony sighed. "I should've seen it coming. There really wasn't a need to rush into bringing you out in public."

"He recognized me as an Avenger as well." Wanda informed him hesitantly.

"That's pretty expected. Part of the job is publicity." Tony shrugged.

"I'm sorry, Tony, I didn't mean to cause a scene." I apologized. I was a little surprised at how relaxed he was about this. I expected him to be angry with me.

"It's alright, kid. You're okay." He reassured me.

"This is exactly why she should've stayed here. She's safe here." Steve added.

"She is safe here," Tony agreed. "But she deserves to be allowed to leave. You're not in charge of her, Steve. I am. I make any, and all decisions about what she can or can't do. This one went rough, we'll try it again another day."

"She's not your daughter Tony." Steve huffed.

"I know that," Tony replied. "But she's my sister, and she's your friend. She's allowed to enjoy some of her life. She's earned it." Tony shrugged off as he left the room.

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