Chapter 35

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Shortly after Tony left Bucky walked in. "You wanted to see me?" He asked.

I held up my hand and a small amount of energy pushed him back to the door. "That's all I had left from the suit."

"We caught the scientist already. The one from Hydra." I stood to face him. "Tony got him in custody and brought him to the authorities."

"You're such a traitor Buck." I angrily mumbled. "You abandoned me."

"Y/n, I know it seems that way but-" he began.

"But nothing!" I shouted. "You didn't even look for me did you?"

"Of course I did. Steve and I found each and every location I could remember." He explained. "My mind couldn't remember where they kept us."

"You abandoned me!" I shouted. "I stuck around for you! I cared about you, then you just left!"

"I didn't abandon you! Please believe me Y/n!" He begged.

"You did!" I yelled as I stood up.

"Just listen please?" He asked. I leaned back against the wall and listened. "I was on a mission, they wanted me to kill Steve. When I got to it I just couldn't. I remembered him. I ran off before Hydra could find me so I wouldn't be killed or wiped again to go kill him."

"And where did that leave me?" I grumbled. "I was left back in cryo. Where I was taken out and punished for you Nat and Wanda, my only priorities throughout my life with Hydra, all leaving. I had to get a tracker in me when they sent me to hunt you. He sent pulses in my arm to make me use my abilities on you."

"I know I'm sorry. We tried to find you." He told me.

"Who?" He raised his eyebrow. "Who tried to look with you?"

"Steve." He answered.

"You didn't tell Nat? Wanda even? Because from the looks on their faces when they saw me I don't think they even knew I was alive." I huffed. "What about Tony? Did either of you think to tell him you were searching for his secret sister? Because he didn't even believe me when I told him."

"I'm sorry. I know we should've told them."

"No, you don't get to make excuses now Buck." I snapped.

A silence fell between us. "I would've died for you. I was ready to do so many times in Hydra. I worked so hard to keep us alive so you could be okay." I began to tear up. "I kept you informed on who you were as much as I could. They almost caught me too, I got a good slap for you starting to become more aware."

"I'm sorry."

"Just save it Bucky." I sighed.

"Look I know you think I don't understand but I do. I was there too you know?" He began to get angry with me now. "I suffered through everything Hydra did just as much as you have. I just didn't get to know who I am like you did. I didn't get to do simple work like designing. I had to do the dirty work."

I looked at him in aw of his ignorance. "You have no idea what I have been through." I gritted.

"Y/n, I understand, I get it I know what it was like."

"You do, huh?" I began to cry. "You know what it's like to do everything possible to keep yourself and your friend alive? They threatened to kill you upon our arrival because you lost your arm saving me. I felt guilty and I couldn't let you die so I built one for you. You ripped it off so I built a new one. I continued offering my knowledge in weapon designs so they could keep me conscious so one of us could lead the escape. I insisted they let me tend to your wounds alone because I didn't want them hurting you. I told you your name behind their backs so you could remember it if we escaped. I was punished so many times for anything they could think of."

"Y/n I get what that's like, they punished me too." He tried stepping closer.

"No, you don't!" The light flickered. "My punishment was you! If either of us acted out they would wipe you and have you beat me until you remembered me again!"

I fell to my knees sobbing. My emotions became overwhelming. Suddenly the light went out, and I could feel the energy from the whole building flowing into me.

Steve and Tony came running in. "What happened?!" Steve asked.

"We started arguing, she got overwhelmed! I don't know how to stop this!" Bucky explained as the energy continued flowing to me.

"Bruce, bring a sedative!" Tony shouted.

The other man in a lab coat ran in with a sedative but I began having flashbacks. Each and every injection. Every single serum. "No! No more!" I began hitting at the man.

"Give it to me!" Tony suggested.

Tony grabbed the sedative and wrapped himself around me in a hug. "It's okay, kid, I got you." He whispered as he gave me the shot. "I know it's scary but I'm here. You're okay now." I slowly fell limp in his arms and fell asleep.

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