Chapter 39

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I opened my eyes and stared at the ceiling. The training room. Tony really put me in here. I turned my head and saw Bucky sitting awake next to me.

"What they're sending you guys to monitor me now?" I questioned as I sat up.

"No." He quickly replied. "I wanted to stay to keep an eye on you."

"Did you sleep?" I asked. He shook his head in response.

Moments later Bruce walked in signaling to me that it was now seven in the morning and the beginning of my new experimenting.

"Good morning Y/n. You ready?" He asked.

"Don't act like I have any choice in the matter, Banner." I spat as I rolled up my sleeve and held out my arm as Bruce injected my new daily shot.

"You can come to eat breakfast if you'd like." He said before leaving the room.

I stood up and started heading out the door until Bucky stopped me. He stared for a moment. "You know after decades of being with you I never got the chance to ask about the scar on your arm." He said. "I noticed it the night we met but I didn't think it was appropriate to ask."

"I would've lied anyways." I bluntly answered. "My father shot me as a training exercise." I turned and continued walking when he stopped me again. "What now?"

"I'm sorry. For our fight, for Hydra, for the experimenting. Everything. I'm sorry." He told me.

"None of that is your fault," I responded. "I blame the Stark bloodline." Then I finally left the room and headed towards the dining area.

I saw Steve and Tony sitting next to each other at the table. "You wanna check on what I'm eating too? It might be dangerous." I mocked.

"Y/n come on don't be like that." Steve pleaded. "We're protecting you."

"I remember when you were my friend Steve. You were the only person I trusted." I responded. "Now you're Tony's friend. Seems like you enjoy betraying Starks."

He slumped back in his seat.

I sat at the table with my breakfast and before I could even begin eating Natasha barged through the door and rushed by me. "Are you okay?" She asked as she sat down.

"Fine." I mumbled.

"You started already didn't you?" She glared at Tony and Steve.

"We needed to start immediately, Nat." Steve explained.

"I can't understand how you don't feel guilty, especially knowing we both could've saved her years ago when we recognized her at that party." Natasha gritted.

"You saw her at a party?" Tony asked.

"Yours three years ago. She was probably on a mission. Steve and I both said we recognized her." She answered.

"So you saw her and still didn't tell me?" Tony asked as he turned to Steve.

"Don't start making this about you Tony. Like it or not you're not the victim here. Y/n is, thanks to you." There was a long pause as I saw a flash of guilt flood Tony's face. "Does Pepper approve of you doing this? Let me guess you didn't even tell her that you have a sister yet."

"No, I haven't told her because it's not something she needs to worry about." He answered.

"You don't think she deserves to know you have a sister, a sister that you're holding prisoner?" She added.

"It's none of your business, Romanoff." Tony snapped. "Besides I'm not holding her prisoner. She's allowed to walk around headquarters as much as she'd like. I'm doing this to protect her."

"Again how is this protection?" Bucky asked as he entered the room.

"I'm keeping her stable." Tony answered.

"We saw her fight. She's stable." Bucky responded.

"We also saw what happened when you caused her to implode on herself." Tony replied. Bucky sulked in his seat with the guilt from the fight.

"Tony's right you guys, this is risky." Steve added.

"Oh cut it out, Steve. When you knew her she was following your every word and command out of fear of her own father." Bucky reminded Steve. "You know she fought like hell for you Steve. You remember that time she got beat by her dad for asking if she could help you out, right? This is how you're gonna repay her? Or what about the time she risked herself to help you save me? Better yet what about the time she directly went against her father's orders to help you on a mission that led to what could've been her death. You wouldn't even be where you are now without her. She was the first to test that serum for them to make it easier to test on you, and she designed that shield! The fact that you carry that with pride and still treat her the way you do is disgusting." Steve fell deep into his chair. "Tony you wouldn't be here either without her! She designed the damn thing that runs your suit!"

Both Steve and Tony sat back unsure of how to respond. Bucky angrily got up and left the room. I got up and followed him out as I carefully listened from further away. "You guys are completely alone in this." Natasha quietly snapped

"You three are just emotionally attached to her." Tony responded.

"Which you should be. She's your sister Tony, and she's faced absolute hell." She growled. "All she's ever needed was people who care about her the way she cares about us. She needs someone to take care of her, someone to be there for her and listen to her." She sighed deeply. "She needs a dad."

Tony looked down in shame as Natasha left the room.

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