Chapter 16

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Barely conscious I felt two people at each side dragging me through the cold snow. My vision was blurred and I could barely make out my surrounding. I looked around me with just my eyes, careful not to move or turn for my safety since I had no idea who's dragging me or what they'll do to me.

I saw that my torso was covered in blood, though I hardly felt any pain. I could only assume the worst as I remembered Bucky grabbing onto me before we hit the ground. My eyes searched for him until they grew heavy and I fell unconscious.

When I awoke I was bound to a chair in a cold cell. I looked around and saw Bucky strapped to a table outside the cell, but I couldn't tell if he was even breathing. I did notice his arm was bandaged and missing from just above his elbow.

A man entered the room. "Hello, young lady." His German accent shined through as he spoke in a sly tone. "Good to see you're awake."

"Is he...?" I was hesitant to finish the sentence out of fear of the answer.

"No, he's quite alive my dear. Good thing too we could use a soldier like him, though I'm not sure how useful he'll be missing an arm." He explained. "I'm also not sure how useful you will be. We can't find your identity which would normally make you irrelevant. However, even irrelevant people exist my dear. So who are you exactly?"

"Who are you?" I retaliated.

"We are Hydra," he answered. "And should we find you useless we can simply eliminate both of you."

"No!" I quickly replied. "I'm useful, very useful. My name is Y/n Stark, daughter of Howard Stark. I am extremely intelligent and skilled in weaponry design, I've done most of the work for the United States military weapons including Captain America's shield. I was even given super serum long before Steve Rogers and have been training since I was a child. I can fight and help with any of your scientific research and weapon design." I quickly explained as much as I could. I didn't want to help them but I needed as much time as I could get to try to get me and Bucky out of here. Until then I need to keep us alive.

"I see. You are useful." He smirked. "You're friend here though. He's just a soldier, and now one without an arm."

"I can replace it, make a better one. A metal one even. It'll be very powerful and directly linked to his nerves." I insisted.

"Very good." He released me from the chair. "You may begin your work on a new arm. If you try to escape we will send your friend to kill you and then kill him. Understood."

"Yes sir." I sighed at the familiar feeling.

"You're dismissed to evaluate him." The man left the room and I ran to Bucky.

I sighed in relief to feel a pulse and see him breathing. Bucky started to stir slightly and began mumbling. "Sargent Barnes. 32557-"

I stopped him "Bucky it's me." I told him hoping he still remembered.

"Y/n? I did it. You're alive." He mumbled in relief still appearing a bit drowsy. "My arm" he groaned.

"I know Bucky. I'll fix it soon I promise. We just have to worry about staying alive alright." I explained as I rested a hand on his cheek for comfort. "You rest for now. I need to work."

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