Chapter 48

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I landed right next to Natasha. "Y/n?" She questioned.

The mask from my suit lifted. "I couldn't leave ya hanging." I smirked.

I began using my abilities to pull soldiers in then sending them back again. The suit seemed to help a lot with stability while I use my abilities as well as amplify them.

Once the men were away from Natasha she began fighting with the others while I went to grab Wanda. I hovered above her. "Y/n, you're supposed to be inside." She told me as she held her hand in pain.

"You need my help. Come on, Dr. Banner is in the medical lab." I lowered the mask then picked her up and carried her to the roof. I helped her stand next to Clint. "Take her to Banner, I'll help the others." I instructed.

He took her and looked at her hand before walking her back. "You stay safe, kid." He told me.

I nodded before flying off to join the group.

I landed next to Tony and sent a quick burst of energy towards a few men. "Y/n, what the hell are you doing here?!" Tony asked me through comms. "I didn't give you the okay."

"Wanda is down. Clint went to take her to Banner. Natasha was surrounded." I explained as we continued fighting side by side. "You need me."

"When I call a retreat, you do as I say for your safety." He insisted.

"If you're fighting, so am I." I added.

He ignored my comment and continued fighting. Steve looked over to me "Good to see ya, kid." He smiled.

"Where's Barnes?" I asked quickly.

"Lost him in the crowd. There were a lot around us." He informed me.

I began to worry and panic as I searched around me unable to see him. Then we heard a loud alarm and the Hydra men started clearing back. We all grouped closer together and Steve's friend landed nearby.

"You Avengers certainly put up a good fight." The leading man said. "Especially now that you have our strongest weapons with you."

My mask lifted. "We're not your weapons!" I shouted back.

"Ah, Prodigy, good to see you again. Thanks to my old tracker for you, we managed to find you again. I'm sure you have your brother to thank for that." The man began. I turned my head and saw the shadow of regret covering Tony's face. I looked back at that man as he continued. "You never completed my order to hunt the Avengers and bring back the Soldier."

"Where is he?!" I shouted. "What have you done?!"

"Nothing, not yet anyway. Show her." He commanded his men in Russian. One of the men brought Bucky out and threw him to the ground. He was already beaten and bruised pretty badly, and his hands were shackled behind his back. The shackle on his metal arm was a large metal clamp covering his whole hand, which he couldn't escape from. Another one of the regretful designs that they forced me to make. "I figured you'd enjoy a spar, just like the good old days. Just you and him, my men will not intervene so long as your team doesn't."

"I'm not fighting him!" I shouted.

"Very well."


He began and I immediately recognized the first word.

"No!" I shouted as I began running. Tony started running with me. "No, you all have to wait here. I'll get him, I can't risk them attacking us with Bucky this weak." Tony reluctantly agreed and stood in place. "I'll let you know if I need you." I lowered my mask and continued running across the field.


As I continued running I activated the blasters in my boots to start flying so I could get there faster.


I felt like we were newly taken prisoners all over again. When I thought we'd make it out in a few months. Back when I had no idea what these words were for.


I remember when they stopped letting me be in the same room when they would use these words on him. His concern for me as I begged them to stop was interfering with the effects.


Finally, I reached him. I started hitting at the cuffs over and over again trying to break them.


They were too strong. Even my abilities couldn't get through them.


I gave up with the cuffs and covered his ears, in a last-minute effort to stop him from hearing the words.


I pulled his face close to mine. "It's just us. You're stronger than this." I told him.


"That isn't you anymore. Those are nothing more than words. They can never change who you are, Bucky."

Freight car

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