Chapter 52

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She was gone. Thanks to my failure she was stuck with Hydra again, only now she has no way to get herself to escape. She has no free will. She's hardly Y/n.

The team all began making our way inside, many of us limping and getting help from others. My suit rebooted and began running on its emergency power so I could get up again. I walked over to Steve who was groaning on the ground and turning, attempting to get up.

I reached my hand out to help him up. He took my hand and we began walking in silence. I was still angry but all I could focus on was her.

We made our way to the medical lab with Banner. Everybody was seated with ice and bandages on their wounds. Barton was grabbing everyone anything they needed and Maximoff was comforting Romanoff who looked like she was holding back her tears.

"Tony," I heard Banner call out. He came and sat next to me as I took off the suit and sat down. Steve went to sit by Barnes. "What the hell happened out there? It's a massacre in here and nobody is telling me what happened, nobody's even speaking."

"We lost. Hydra won." I blankly told him, staring at the ground.

"Where's Y/n? Is she in her room? Wanda told me she joined the fight." He asked.

"No, Banner. They won. They took her." I informed him.

"She can get out though right? She's powerful, plus she has the suit." Banner optimistically asked.

"No, Bruce, she can't! They have hold of her mind! She's the one who caused all of these injuries!" I explained, jumping to my feet. "She's not even herself anymore."

Barnes approached me, his face bruised and beaten. "You've got a gps in her suit don't you? You can find her right? Or FRIDAY can?" He asked eagerly.

"No, Barnes, I can't." I sadly explained. "As much as I would love to get her back I didn't finish her suit. That's the reason I never wanted her to fight. Her suit doesn't have any tracker in it, I didn't even get the chance to install FRIDAYS system to it."

"You should've told her that, Stark! Maybe she wouldn't have taken the suit then." Natasha added.

"Give me a break, Romanoff! You both know her better than me, right? So tell me if I told her not to put on the suit because it wasn't finished what would she have done?" I rhetorically asked. "She would've gone out there without it and gotten herself killed. I figured at least with the suit she'd have armor. I tried to keep her from fighting, she said you and Maximoff needed her."

"So let's go get her back!" Maximoff suggested. "They can't be far, right?"

"We can't do that," Barnes informed her. "They said they'd have her killed if we did. She seemed deep in their control so it's too much of a risk."

"Well, what do you suggest we do?" She asked.

"We make a plan. We'll hunt them down in time but we need a plan to stop them from killing her." I explained. "We're getting her back."

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