Chapter 17

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"The arm is ready. I'll need a few hours with him for surgery." I informed one of the men in charge of me.

"You will have our skilled medical team with you for the surgery." He told me.

"Actually sir, with all due respect I'd like to perform the surgery alone. No assistance." I cautiously began explaining. "I'm the only one who had been tending to his arm to keep him stable and I'm the only one who knows the metal arm well enough to attach it."

"Yes yes, I see. Very well." He agreed and I was relieved. I didn't trust those men to be performing serious surgery on Bucky. "We will send a few men in after the surgery when he wakes up."

I didn't really enjoy that either but unfortunately, I didn't have a good enough reason not to let them other than I wanted them nowhere near us, which currently appeared impossible.

I entered the room with Bucky on the table. He had been very drowsy since the incident and I was only able to do the bare minimum to keep him alive without any infection. "Y/n. You're back." He mumbled with a slight smile. I still don't think he fully understood where we were or what conditions we were in right now.

"Hi, Buck." I spoke in a soft calming tone with a gentle smile to keep him calm as I brushed some hair out of his face. "I'm gonna fix your arm today okay. I have to put you to sleep but it'll just be me by your side the whole time, okay?"

"Okay." he smiled a bit bigger.

I began sedating him and counting back from 10. I watched as he slowly drifted off and I began my work.

I had to be careful to attach each nerve and each bit of tissue properly so he could still use his arm. Bit by bit it all came together and after many hours I completed the surgery and Bucky successfully had his arm again, meaning both of us could still live.

Hydra scientists began walking in. "Thank you we'll take it from here." The first man told me.

"Yea sir, would you like me to observe from the back to ensure everything goes as it should?" I offered.

"Yes of course. The arm may need some tweaking after all." He told me.

I stepped towards the back of the room and watched as scientists surrounded him. Bucky slowly began to wake up.

"Good morning Sargent Barnes." The man greeted him. Thankfully Bucky remained calm but stayed silent. "I wanted to go over your new arm and make sure it is in working condition."

Bucky slowly nodded his head and began doing as the man instructed. It was clear to me that the anesthetic still hadn't completely worn off so I was hoping he would be able to complete the tasks still and remain calm if it does wear off soon.

"Lift both arms. Well done. Now with your left arm only can you please touch your finger to your thumb? Good. And now touch both index fingers together. Very good Solider." I was amazed at how nice the man was being to him. Bucky extended his fingers and began to examine the new hand. "Please make a fist. Amazing Solider, now as you can see- eugh"

I looked up and saw Bucky choking the scientist. I began rushing to grab more anesthetic as Bucky began shouting. "Where is she?! What have you done with her?! She told me she was going to be by my side!" He screamed. I ran beside him and began giving him an anesthetic with the IV in his right arm.

"I'm here Buck. I was here the whole time." I reassured him. He began clawing at his arm "No Bucky-"

"You didn't fix me! This isn't my arm!" He screamed as he clawed from his shoulder down to his new arm. The new arm began tearing from where it was attached. I tried holding him back but he was too strong.

After a lot of back and forth of me trying to calm Bucky down and him fighting the arm he finally became drowsy from the anesthetic. "I can have a new arm by tomorrow morning. Surgery can be done by midday." I explained to the scientist.

"Good. In the meantime, we have our own experimenting to perform with him." He told me. Two men then grabbed each of my arms and the first man pulled out a red book with a black star on it.

I remained calm so I didn't alarm them as I watched them bring in a large machine and lowered it onto Bucky's face. "What is that?" I asked anxiously. "What will it do to him?"

They flipped the machine on and Bucky began screaming in pain. I had only given him enough anesthetic to calm him and now I'm regretting that choice. "No!"

The man began speaking Russian as I continued pleading for him to stop.


"Please stop!"


"Don't do this please!"


"You're hurting him!"


"Bucky, No!"


"Please, please don't hurt us!"


"Let me just talk to him please!"


"Please stop!"


"Don't do this!"



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