Chapter 11

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"New uniform Steve? I like it." I chuckled. "I'm guessing it's for your mission with the Howling Commandos today?"

"It sure is." He boasted lightly showing off the new uniform.

"Well hi, doll." Bucky joked from behind.

"Oh -uh, h -hi Sargent Barnes. How are you today?" I've been trying to remain professional and completely forget dancing with Bucky that night for the sake of not getting in trouble.

"I'm doing well, ya know I was wondering when we could go on another date if you're interested? Perhaps dancing?" He asked.


"What's this I hear about dancing?" My father questioned as he entered the room. "I better not see any dancing on the mission today." He joked.

"'Course not Mr. Stark." Steve laughed.

"No actually Mr. Stark I was just asking Ms. Martin here if she could go dancing with me sometime. I thought she'd enjoy it." My body filled with fear. If only he knew who he just told that to. "She's a beautiful woman you know, I figured a woman like her is well-deserving of a night of dancing." He smiled at me as I widened my eyes in disbelief.

"Nonsense. Ms. Martin is far too busy, besides she has no sense of rhythm. You should remain focused on your mission Barnes, as should she. She is to take note of your successes, not your flirting." My fathers' demeanor had changed from his joking one before to a much more serious tone.

"Right, yeah, of course, sir." Bucky sulked.

My father left the room. "So um, pretty strict for a boss huh?" Bucky asked.

"Sorry. Like I said I wasn't supposed to be with you that night." I quickly explained.

"You think he'd let you on missions with us?" Steve asked.

"Steve I said before I don't fight. He just wants me to be note-taking and writing down possible improvements for your shield and other weapons." I explained to him.

"But what about-" Steve began.

"No Steve." I snapped in response. I already knew he was going to bring up my serum which I did not want Bucky to know about. "You both have to get going now. Report back to me when you return." I informed them before heading out the door. I could tell Steve was upset that I wouldn't join them.

Hours pass by after the commandos left and we see them rushing back to base Steve and Bucky holing one of the men up by his shoulder. Nurses began rushing over and grabbed the man to help him.

"Mission report?" I asked them anxiously.

"Success but he got hit in the crossfire." Bucky reported.

"We're going to be down a man for next week's mission. It's a crucial one too." Steve looked at me desperate for me to join.

"I'll see what I can do. Don't get your hopes up, Rogers." I informed him as I left to find my father.

I walked up and saw my father in one of the tents. Unfortunately for me, he seemed to be stressed already. "Sir is everything okay?" I cautiously asked.

"No of course it's not. I'm putting Rogers at risk if I let him on this mission down a man" He began. "It's practically suicide and there's not a single man willing nor qualified to do so."

"That's actually what I came to talk to you about." I hesitantly began.

"Oh please yes if you know a man please send him to Rogers." He thanked me.

"No, actually I was thinking myself." He gave me a confused look. "Think about it I've had the serum and years of training I think I could handle it."

"No, absolutely not." He denied.

"Please I think I can do it. I'll be safe and won't be in any harm. I'm incredibly smart and strong I'd be perfect for it." I begged.

"I am already risking Rogers I am not going to risk two experiments for this mission." He snapped.

I sat in shock for a moment. I always knew he'd seen me this way but him saying it solidified it. "Is that what this is about?" I began to tear up.

"Project Prodigy still has a lot of work to be done and potentially a new serum-" my father began explaining.

"I'm not taking any more of that serum!" I told him as I grew more frustrated.

"You will do as I say for the sake of the experiment." He snapped back at me.

"IS THAT ALL I'VE BECOME TO YOU?!" I shouted as I began to cry. "You're more worried about your precious project than you are for your own DAUGHTER?!"

He quickly struck his hand on my face and I keeled over in pain. As I was hunched he brought his knee up, striking my nose. He then grabbed the collar of my shirt as blood dripped from my nose to his hand, and brought me up to eye level. "I take no pride in you being my child." He hissed. "You're merely my prodigy. A project. And an experiment that is incomplete. I wish you wouldn't have survived the birth, your mother was far more obedient."

I said nothing. What was there to say? I was full of rage and absolute disbelief in my father. I knew he never really cared but to beat me and directly call me nothing more than an experiment just shocked me.

He threw me back and turned to grab a rag to wipe my blood from his hand and his pants. "Go inform Rogers that there is no man to replace his commando. He can decide action from there."

"Yes sir." I agreed quietly as I turned to leave the tent.

"And y/n." He began. I turned back to face him as he tossed me the rag. "You fell." I silently nodded and left.

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