Chapter 38

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As I walked through the halls I saw Natasha angrily stomping towards the door in a rush. "Woah, hey, what's wrong? What's going on, why are you so mad?" I asked.

"The recent meeting was absolutely absurd!" She angrily explained. "Both of them are arrogant assholes, I mean how can't they see how selfish they're being!"

"Natasha, how selfish who's being?" I asked as Steve came running up. "What happened at the meeting?"

"Nat, wait just a minute please!" Steve pleaded.

"I'm leaving, ask him." She sternly told me before marching out the door.

Steve caught up to me just as we saw her drive off. He sighed deeply then looked up at me. "She'll come around."

"Come around for what? What happened at that damn meeting?" I asked frustrated.

"Tony and I came up with a temporary plan for Y/n." He explained. "One that can keep her safe."

My heart felt like it skipped a beat. Tony and Steve don't have a clue what she's been through and seeing how mad Natasha was it's about to get worse. "What do you mean Steve?" I asked.

"She's going to sleep here, in a training room for now." He began explaining and the further he explained the angrier I got. "She's going to get a shot every 5 hours throughout the day to keep her stable then she takes meds before bed to stay stable when nobody is here."

"Oh come on Steve!" I rolled my eyes back. "That's the plan? To poke and pry some more?"

"Just until we can figure it out," Steve responded. "It's for her safety, Buck!"

"No, it's not!" I shouted. "She's been through hell, and she's our friend. All you're doing is tearing her apart." I gritted in his face before quickly turning around and walking away.

"Where are you going now?" He asked.

"To find her." I quickly answered.

I wandered through the halls looking for that meeting room. Then I saw a sight I never wanted to see again. Y/n was on a stretcher with Tony by her side and Bruce pushing her through the halls.

"What the hell happened?!" I shouted.

"She got overwhelmed again," Tony informed me. "We had to sedate her."

"Had to or chose to?" I asked.

"Not you too Barnes. Look she's dangerous alright." He explained. "This is for everyone's safety, including hers. I had thought Steve would've explained this."

I rolled my eyes as I followed them to the training room where Stark set up a bed for Y/n. They laid her down on the bed and I sat at her side against the wall. "You're clear to leave Barnes. We're heading home for the day. Hopefully tomorrow the three of you will come to your senses." He told me.

"I'm staying with her." I blankly replied. "Including in her new cell."

"Barnes I can't let you do that." Tony told me.

"What happens if she wakes up in the middle of the night and realizes she's alone? Or if she has flashbacks from Hydra and nobody is here to help her?" I questioned. "Thought you wanted to keep her safe?"

"Fine." He agreed. "Take good care of her Barnes. I know you may not see it but I do care a lot about her. I'm trying my best to be a good older brother... or younger? I don't know. Regardless I do care and I want her safe."

"Oh, you want to keep her safe?" I questioned angrily. "Which part of this is protecting her, the cell or the experimenting on her? All you're doing for her is reminding her of her lifetime of being experimented on by Hydra, not to mention her own father doing the same things to her."

"This isn't your decision to make Barnes." He gritted. "I am keeping her safe and, like it or not, I'm the only one who gets to decide that as her family."

"You think you're all the family she's got?"I huffed. "I remember watching her train Romanoff when she was a kid. She loved that little girl. I remember hearing the men talk about how well she worked with Wanda. You show up and on your first day meeting her you tried to kill her, find out she's your sister, and settle for imprisonment. You have no shame in treating her the way you are, you feel nothing knowing what she's been through."

"Oh, I feel nothing huh?" He snapped. "All day I've been thinking about how my father never told me about her. Then I started questioning if my mom knew. I was always so mad at my dad for not being involved and with her, he was involved and he was awful. It should've been me to be the experiment! I'm trying my best to make up for what he did! I'm trying to be a father figure, and a great one for her, but I can't do that if her abilities fail all the time!"

"You think that's failing Stark?! She gets emotional from talking about her past and you consider that a failure?" I shouted. "Did Steve tell you what her last wish was before she thought we were going to die? She asked Steve to tell your dad that she did NOT fail him, so don't you dare claim that anything she does is a failure."

We stared angrily at each other before he turned on his heel and locked the door behind him. I looked down at Y/n and realized everything she had told me was right. We were both through Hydra but I can't claim to know what she's been through.

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