Chapter 4

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My father finally got to his amazing flying car and was preparing to test it. "Hey." A man said as he leaned over to me. A grin fell on his face as he stretched out his hand. "My name's James, but you can call me Bucky."

"I'm Y/n." I responded shaking his hand. Though I disobeyed my fathers' rules it felt nice to talk to somebody that wasn't a piece of technological equipment or an acquaintance of my fathers that thought I was his pupil.

"So, this flying car idea seems pretty cool right?" He asked.

"Yeah, I suppose so." As I spoke the car fell to the floor. "A few design flaws though." He laughed at my comment.

"Well if this doesn't interest you how about we walk around a bit. Maybe we can find something to impress you." He offered

"I'd love to." I smiled as he took my hand and we walked off.

James and I walked around as he desperately tried to find some invention to impress me. "You're a tough girl to crack huh?" He laughed.

"I suppose so." I giggled in response.

"Well, how about we go dancing then?" He asked happily.

"Of course. Though I will warn you I have never been dancing." I joked. I had always thought dancing would be nice but with my father keeping me inside I never tried.

"Good thing I'll be leading." He grinned he then turned his head slightly and something caught his attention. "I'm sorry just one moment I need to speak to someone."

I followed him over as he walked towards the "United States Armed Services Recruitment" I was a bit confused because James was already in uniform and therefore already enlisted until I saw his friend.

"Steve, what are you doing man?" He sighed.

"I gotta enlist, Buck. It's the right thing to do." Steve said proudly.

"We were supposed to have a good relaxing night before I leave. I was just gonna go dancing." James groaned.

"You go ahead but I have to do this." Steve insisted.

"Alright fine. Don't do anything stupid 'till I get back." Bucky told him as he grabbed my hand and began walking off.

"How can I, you're taking all the stupid with you?" Steve called out. "Hey don't win the war 'till I get there!" Bucky laughed then turned around and saluted his friend.

"So your friend seems pretty ambitious." I smiled.

"Yes, and naive. If it were up to me I'd stay home to keep him safe. But I was drafted." James began explaining. "I didn't tell him I was drafted because he looks up to me, ya know? But now he thinks he has to enlist with me so he can fight for the country and do the right thing." He sighed. "Let's not let it ruin our night though we're just gonna dance and have a good time."

James and I danced for quite a while I even started to lose track of time. "You know this is probably the best night I've had my whole life," I began as my head rested on James' chest. "My dad is so strict he never lets me leave the house and now I honestly can't think of a single thing that could make me upset at this moment here with you."

"Well, maybe we can see each other again someday?" He questioned.

"I'm sorry James but with how my father is that's a definite no." I sighed. "I should go now before I miss curfew and get in trouble."

"Well, until we meet again, doll." He grinned as he leaned in to kiss me on the cheek.

I turned around blushing and began walking off. I sighed deeply knowing James had his hopes up to see me again and I knew that would never happen. No matter how happy I felt I had an obligation towards my father.

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