Chapter 3

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I got dressed and began my training. Thankfully, since today was the day of my fathers' expo, I didn't have to spar. As I punched the punching bag I felt some slight pain that remained from when my father shot me. Thanks to that lovely little serum father gave me when I was five, the wound already scarred over.

"Y/n finish up it's time to get ready." My father informed me after hours of training.

"Yes, sir." I replied as I began my way to my room.

"I did you a favor of getting some clothes for you. We can't have you out in public in training gear. You are to only observe, you may observe other presentations but avoid socializing with anyone." he explained.

"Thank you, father." I blankly replied as I rushed upstairs to get dressed. It honestly amazed me to see some normal clothes sitting on my bed for me. I can't even remember the last time I wore something that wasn't my training gear or a more professional attire when joining my father on trips with any government officials.

I sat at my desk and brought out my mirror. It felt good to look at myself and smile at the fact that I was finally leaving the house.

I followed my father around before the expo, being sure he had everything he needed. "Are you going to be demonstrating any of the weaponry I've designed?" I asked him.

"No Y/n. This expo is to show the world my current advances in making a flying vehicle. Weaponry stays on a government basis." He explained. "Here take some money and go see the expo. Return here in the audience to observe mine when it's announced."

I took the cash and headed off. Normally I'm sure it would be very nice of him to give me money however he only really gave it to me to get some alone time.

I wandered around the expo for a while, saw many sights I hadn't before. I didn't even end up spending my fathers' money, just enjoyed all of the people enjoying themselves.

As the night went on I bought myself some food and just sat on a bench admiring everything around me. Everybody just looked so happy, they all enjoyed other people and I couldn't see a single person not having a wonderful time. Though I don't think anybody at this place was as happy as I am to be outside.

I stopped at a few of the different booths. Many people here were very smart though I don't think any of them as intelligent as myself. I wasn't here to be a genius though, I'm only here to act normal and enjoy myself.

I heard an announcement that meant my father was going to go show off his technology. I quickly ran to join the audience. As everybody sat in amazement I felt humbled and almost numb to his ideas of technology as those ideas I had grown up around, many of them were even my designs.

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