Chapter 47

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"No suit. I will tell you if we need you, until then you wait where it's safe." Tony demanded.

"I know." I replied as I walked to the lab windows that pointed into the back of the building where I saw everyone stationed. I saw Tony turn and look back into the building and I quickly ran away from the windows.

"I saw that." He said. "To your room. Your room is reinforced and designed specifically for your safety. You can go to the lab when I say."

"I just want to see the suit." I pouted as I marched back to my room.

"You can see it later if I need you." He assured me.

"Y/n, just listen to Tony this time, please?" Natasha begged.

"We want to protect you, hun." Wanda added.

"Fine." I reluctantly agreed.

I sat in front of my bedroom window so I could keep an eye on all of them. I wanted to be sure I could see if anyone got hurt or if I was needed and Tony just wasn't telling me. Knowing him he will want me to just stay in until everything is over, which I don't plan on doing. All of this was because of me, I should be out there helping. They're all worried about me when they should be focusing on the fact that not only am I powerful enough to easily take on a few Hydra soldiers, but they also have Bucky fighting with them. He's in just as much danger as I am, if not more due to him previously being brainwashed. If those agents have the words we lose him. I didn't spend years trying to get us out for nothing.

"Guys, we have incoming." Steve's friend announced on the earpiece.

I looked at the top of the hill to see it was more than just a few men. Hydra must have brought up an underground support system now. Though it wasn't a full army, it was still around a hundred men emerging from multiple vehicles.

"Mr. Stark, a pleasure to meet you." A man with a thick Russian accent began.

"Cut the crap, what do you want?" Tony shouted back to them.

"You know why we're here. You have something of ours." He explained.

"She's not going anywhere." Tony sternly insisted as his suit got ready.

The others came in closer as well as the man from the roof, while Clint stayed up top. "Very well." The man shrugged. "Attack." He commanded in Russian.

I watched in amazement as they all started fighting the Hydra soldiers. Tony's suit showed its true power against multiple men. Bucky and Steve were remaining close to each other as they fought. Then I saw Natasha and Wanda, who were fighting amazingly until there were too many men around them. They had extremely strong shields, which unfortunately I designed. I couldn't take it anymore.

"Tony, can I go get the suit?" I asked quickly.

"Absolutely not. We've got this, kid." He replied.

"But-" I was interrupted right away.

"Y/n, we'll let you know okay. Just stay where it's safe for now, please." Steve pleaded.

I huffed but agreed, still keeping an eye on Wanda and Nat. Wanda grabbed Nat's hand and began flying up to get away from the men. Before she could get far enough one of them shot her in the hand that was holding Natasha and she dropped her to the ground, as well as sent herself flying in the other direction until she fell further away.

Natasha was surrounded as men came in closer to her. She kept trying to fight but there were way too many of them. I grew more and more worried as I realized there were too many men for them. Everybody was fighting multiple soldiers and nobody could run to her.

I sprinted to the lab and stood in the center, where Tony had suited up earlier. "FRIDAY, suit up, immediately!" I demanded.

"Mr. Stark has advised against that, Miss." she reminded me.

"It's an emergency, FRIDAY!" I insisted.

Quickly the suit formed around me and I admired it as I saw it come together. My new metal armor was similar to Tony's however it felt a bit more lightweight. It was fully white beside a few panels that were chrome that led throughout my silhouette. "Open the door, FRIDAY." I demanded.

The door leading to the back opened and I ran outside before flying up into the air, amazed that Tony even gave my suit blasters to be able to fly since he is constantly concerned for my safety.

I could feel the energy within the suit. As I admired the feeling I realized he had specifically designed this for my abilities. This suit has a practically infinite power supply for my to absorb from directly, allowing me to expel energy without searching for an alternate source. It also felt more controlled in the hands than I was used to for my abilities. This will definitely come in handy.

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