Chapter 46

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My phone started ringing just as I was about to head out the door to go to headquarters. Y/n had been doing amazing with training with us. I've been working on a project in the lab for her that's finally ready to give to her soon. "Hello?" I answered the phone.

"Sir, this is Sargent Peterson, I'm a security guard at The Raft," he began. "There's been a serious breakout of multiple former members from Hydra. It appeared they had followers from the outside assisting their escape."

"What?!" I exclaimed as I got dressed faster now. "Where were they heading?"

"We aren't exactly sure sir. They all managed to remove their trackers shortly after their departure." He explained. "It did look like they were heading in the direction of Avengers HQ though, sir."

"Thank you for the information." I quickly hung up "FRIDAY lockdown HQ. Don't let anyone in without my approval, and don't let Y/n leave either."

"Yes, sir." FRIDAY agreed.

"Tony, what's going on?" Pepper asked worriedly.

"Some former Hydra members broke out of The Raft. They're heading towards HQ." I quickly explained as I walked out to the car with her quickly following.

"It's safe there isn't it? They can't find it, you told me you destroyed the tracker they had on Y/n." She asked.

"I didn't. I removed it but I wanted to test how they controlled her abilities with it." I explained. "It was stupid. But I don't have time to worry I need to go, I need to call the others."

Quickly, I sped off and began making the phone calls.

"Well, good morning, Stark." Natasha cheerily answered.

"Suit up now, head to HQ. We need to protect Y/n." I quickly explained.

"On it." She replied. "I'll tell Wanda."

Perfect. One less phone call to make.

"Hi, Tony." Steve answered with a slight echo since he always answered on speaker.

"You need to suit up now," I informed him. "We need to head to HQ. It's an emergency."

"Bucky and I will be there soon." He agreed.

"No, Barnes and Y/n are sitting this out. It's Hydra members. They escaped The Raft and are heading to HQ. I suspect they're trying to collect those two again." I insisted.

"I'm going, Stark," Barnes added from a distance. "I need to help protect her. No matter the cost."

"Fine. Just suit up and meet me there immediately." I hung up quickly as I pulled up to the building and sprinted to the door. "FRIDAY, open the front door, and close it right after!" FRIDAY opened the door immediately and I heard it close behind me as I rushed to the lab to suit up.

I got in the lab and quickly got into the suit. I heard the door open behind me and saw Y/n come in. "Tony, what the hell is going on?!" She asked.

"We've got an emergency mission. There's been an escape from the raft." I explained. "Everybody's on their way now."

"Alright, I'm ready to help." She told me.

"Absolutely not. It was former members of Hydra that escaped." I explained.

"Please, Tony. Let me help, I'm stronger than they are." She insisted.

"No!" I shouted. "I can't risk losing you! I just found you, I just got you into my life, we're finally gaining a relationship. I can't lose you Y/n."

"What am I supposed to do Tony?" She asked. "They're coming because of me. I want to be able to help."

I thought for a moment. I want her to feel helpful but most of all I need her to be safe. "If, and only if, I call for you, ask FRIDAY for your suit in the lab. I've been working on it here and there." I explained. "It should work well with your abilities."

She smiled brightly. "Thank you, Tony."

"Until then wait in your room." I demanded.

"You're not my dad." She laughed as she rolled her eyes and began leaving.

"Well, I might as well be." I joked.

As she left for her room I got to the front door as Steve was pulling up with Barnes and Wilson. All of them were already suited up and ready for the fight. "I figured we could use all the help we could get." Steve informed me as they all got out of the car.

"Good to see you, Stark." Wilson shook my hand. "To my understanding, we're protecting your sister, right?"

"At all costs. I'm assuming it's her they're after." I explained.

"How are they heading here? I thought this place was fully secured?" Steve asked.

"It was but I was studying Y/n's old tracker from Hydra, they still had access to it and are tracking her here." I explained further.

"You kept her tracker?!" Barnes snapped.

"Hey, boys." Natasha called out as she sprinted out of her car with Wanda and Clint by her side. "I brought a few friends."

"Perfect. We'll need it." I thanked. "Barton and Wilson, you go to the rooftop for a good view. Let us know if you see anyone incoming. The rest of us will watch ground level." Everybody scattered into location. "Comms up for everyone?" I asked.

I looked around and saw everyone giving me a thumbs up signaling they heard me on comms. "Yup, all set in here." I heard Y/n reply. "FRIDAY gave me the earpiece. Just that though. No suit."

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