Chapter 43

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I went to my room to try on some nicer clothes that Natasha picked for me so I could look nice for Tony's girlfriend visiting.

I heard a knock on my door as I admired my new outfit and assumed it would be Tony telling me his girlfriend was here. "I'll be out in a minute." I called back.

"Can we talk?" I heard Steve ask from the other side of the door.

My ears perked up at the sound of his voice. I jumped to open the door. "Yeah, come in," I answered. "What's up?"

"I'm sorry for how I've been treating you." He apologized. "It's just so different seeing two of your friends who were dead then it turns out they're not dead, and seeing that both of them have been brainwashed killers."

"Well I was never brainwashed, and I never did the dirty work. Granted a lot of Winter Soldier missions had to be approved by me..." I began until I saw Steve get a bit uncomfortable by me mentioning mine and Bucky's darker past. "You don't need to explain yourself, Steve. I get it."

"I should be your friend. I should trust you. A friend should never be the person who's hurting you or thinking of you as a danger." He explained.

"It's alright Rogers. If I was in your position I'd be taking some extra precautions too." I sighed. "At least I know that if anything were to go wrong and I do end up being a danger I can rely on you to fix it."

"I don't need to fix you-"

"That's an order, Cap. If anything I do ends up being too dangerous you have to be the one to stop me. Hurt me if you have to, but it's got to be you because none of them will." I demanded lightheartedly. Though this was meant as more of a joke I still wanted him to understand that in the occasion that my powers become too much and I can't take it anymore and I do become dangerous to those I love, he's the only one that would be realistic enough to stop me.

"Well, we won't have to worry about it. You're not a threat, and you never will be." He began heading out the door. "Pepper is on her way. You should come down to greet her soon." I smiled and nodded my head as he left.

I quickly made my way down to the kitchen where I saw Wanda making dinner. "Hello, hun. I'm just cooking up some dinner. Go sit at the table I'll let you know when it's ready."

"Yes, ma'am." I agreed. She laughed lightly at my formality.

I walked out and saw everybody else already sitting at the table. I sat between Natasha and Bucky, which was across from Steve and Tony. "She'll be arriving any minute. Don't be too nervous, I want you to feel comfortable with her." Tony told me.

"Yes, sir." I agreed.

"Kid, don't be so formal. I'm your brother, not your boss." Tony laughed.

I smiled and realized he's right, he's not my boss. My father I had always seen as my boss more than family but with Tony, I get to just be his sister.

"Miss Potts is at the front door, sir." Tony's computer system informed us.

"Thank you, F.R.I.D.A.Y."  Tony grinned. "Let her in."

We all began to stand up and make our way to the entrance, then we saw pepper heading towards us as well. "Hi, honey," she greeted Tony giving him a hug and a kiss. "Sorry I'm a few minutes late, a few things were popping up in the media with your name written all over it. Honestly, I didn't bother looking too much into it because this is way more important."

"You, late? Never!" Tony joked before making his way closer to the rest of us with pepper by his side, leading her to me. "Pepper, this is my sister Y/n, Y/n this is the lovely Pepper Potts."

"It's so nice to finally get to meet you!" She happily exclaimed. "Wish we could've met sooner but somebody decided to keep you a secret."

"I'm sure it was with good intentions." I smiled. Now my brain started bouncing the same way it used to when I was a kid.

Was I smiling enough? Was I smiling too much? Does she like me? Am I making Tony proud? Was that a good firm handshake? Did Tony tell her about my past?

Wait. Did he tell her? Does she even know that I'm actually older than Tony? 

"Dinner's ready!" Wanda's voice called out.

We all sat back down at the table. Wanda, Pepper, Tony then Steve on one side. Directly across from them was Natasha, me then Bucky.

"So, Tony," Pepper began as we all started eating. "Do you happen to know what was all over the media? I didn't get a chance to look really, but it was a lot of talk about some teammates."

We all silently looked amongst each other, questioning if we should answer. "Well," Tony spoke up. He was nervous so I can assume he knows better than to lie to her. "I had sent Natasha and Wanda to get Y/n some clothes that she likes. Then they nearly fought a guy."

Pepper was surprisingly calm with Tony's very vague explanation. "I'm gonna need more than that."

"The guy was overstepping and she got a bit overwhelmed. Nobody was harmed though really." Tony explained further.

"Natasha and I will have to go back. We only grabbed a few things. Turns out it's pretty difficult to fully refill a wardrobe for someone who's never chosen their own clothes." Wanda joked.

I saw Tony's eyes widened and assumed he didn't tell her everything.

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