Chapter 30

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They took me out of my cryogenic chamber and I saw Bucky's was already opened, but I couldn't see Bucky anywhere. "You weren't supposed to send him without backup. What's the damage-" I began until I got a strong fist striking across my face.

"You caused this!" The man shouted, striking me again. "You always cause this!"

"Please, please, sir, wait!" I begged, nearly brought to tears, terrified for my life. He paused his actions. "What happened? What have I done? I'll fix it!"

"First the widow joins the Avengers, then Strucker's projects, now The Winter Soldier has gone rogue." He hissed. "Each one of them you were personally attached to and in charge of. Each one of them had time with you unsupervised."

"It's not my fault, sir, please." I begged. I couldn't believe it. I knew Natasha escaped, but Wanda made it out? Bucky too? They did what I had spent decades only dreaming of doing.

Bucky left me. He abandoned me. He broke through the cryo-chamber and left me here to die. "I can find them, sir. I know where they are." I told him.

"Good." He smirked. He injected something into my right arm. "Just a precaution, Prodigy. I'm sure you understand that I now need a tracker on you." He pressed a button and I felt a surge of electricity shoot through my arm, causing it to tense. It made my abilities enact, bringing surrounding objects closer. "Also a disciplinary measure. Don't try anything stupid either. With the right buttons, I can now point your abilities whichever way I please. Including at the faces of each pupil of yours."

"Yes, sir." I agreed.

"Good. Then go hunt the Avengers." He instructed me.

I began my search for their new headquarters using an old tracker I installed in Bucky's arm just in case he had gotten lost on a mission.

After all that we've been through. All that I've done for him. He just left. I was filled with rage.

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