Chapter 7

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We arrived at the base and I followed my father around as he spoke to some people. "Agent Carter!" He called out as we approached a woman standing with Steve. "Agent Carter, this is my assistant Y/n. Y/n this is-"

"You can call me Peggy." She smiled and shook my hand. "And this as you probably know is Steve. Steve Rogers."

"You know you look kinda familiar." Steve said as he shook my hand. My eyes widened slightly with fear.

"Yes, I do recall seeing her at the lab when you were given the serum." Peggy spoke to my rescue.

"I have to head off, I've got some business to attend to but Y/n is here to help with any of your needs Captain." My father informed them. He looked at me and nodded his head lightly. I didn't need words to know that he meant to not cause trouble.

I began walking with Steve and Peggy. "So Y/n, what's your last name?" Steve asked, almost as if he was trying to get something out of me.

"Martin" I lied.

"So Miss Martin, I saw you at the lab then?" Steve asked.

"Steve quit bothering the girl. Howard already told us she was there, I remember seeing her as well." Peggy interrupted.

"Alright alright."

"Carter!" The general called out. "You're needed."

"That's me I suppose. Steve don't ask her too many questions while I'm gone." Peggy pleaded with him. Steve nodded his head before she walked off.

Steve and I continued walking and I kept catching him staring at me with a small smile on his face. "Alright what is it?" I asked.

"I'm really good with faces you know." He told me.

I raised my eyebrows and smiled. "Then you know you saw me at the lab. Not sure why you wouldn't believe me."

"No, I do. I saw you before that though." He chuckled lightly. "You were at the expo with my friend, Bucky. He took you dancing."

My smile dropped. "Alright, maybe you're right. But that stays between us."

"So why lie exactly? Did Stark not know you were there?" He asked.

"Of course he knew I was there it's his expo." I scoffed. "I wasn't supposed to meet anybody, let alone go dancing. I was only there to take a look at everybody who had different experiments to show off."

There was a bit of a pause before he spoke again. "You aren't his assistant are you?" Steve asked. I sighed. "I mean I don't get why an assistant wouldn't be allowed to meet anybody at a public event, and Stark seemed to be pretty stern with you."

"If I tell you you can't tell anybody else. It stays between me and you, forever and you can't bring it up again. Got it?" I demanded. He nodded his head and I turned to face him. I prepared myself to tell him something I hadn't told anyone before and something that could change my whole life if anybody truly found out. I checked if anybody was nearby before taking a deep breath. "I'm his daughter. He's kept me a secret all these years. I've done a lot of hard work on a lot of his technological designs as well as years of combat training."

Steve raised his eyebrows in shock. "So why now? I mean why did he bring you here and to the lab?"

"You. I'm supposed to make notes of your reaction to the serum to see how it's changed since subject one. That being me." I briefly explained.

"So you have the serum too?" Steve asked.

"Yes, but mines different. No more questions." I began walking towards a tent with him following behind me.

"How different?" He asked. I snapped back to face him and glared. "Right, sorry. No more."

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