Chapter 8

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"Y/n, a current report on Rogers." My father demanded.

"So far he seems to have reacted fairly well to the serum. No negative side effects noticed at the moment." I reported back.

"Good to hear. I'll be busy again today and won't be needing you." He informed me. "I want you to continue helping Rogers with any of his needs."

"Yes, sir." I agreed.

I began walking off to try to find Steve when he came running to me. "Oh hello Steve, I was just looking for you. Howard says I need to help you wit-"

"Y/n yes please I need your help!" He interrupted. "My friend, you know Bucky, his unit was taken we need to rescue him. Peggy said she'll cover for me here I just need some sort of transformation there and some gear. Think you can do that for me?"

"I can take a chopper from my father, he won't be needing it today. Come on I know where some gear is, it's unsupervised at the moment, the general is with my father." I explained as we headed towards a large tent.

I grabbed him a bulletproof vest and some guns and some ammo. It wasn't much but it was all I felt I could take unnoticed. Hopefully, the helicopter would be equipped with more ammo at least.

I stepped out of the tent "Alright let's go quick!" I told him.

"There are a few more things I need to grab yet." Steve informed me.

"Fine, but meet me by the helicopter in 15 minutes, no less." He nodded his head and ran off.

I got to the helicopter as quickly as I could. As I loaded everything in and got prepared I checked if there was anything else loaded on here. Thankfully I found more ammo and a few smaller guns. I quickly began loading everything I could fit onto his jacket so he could be as prepared as possible for this. I can't believe I'm helping him with this. I'm risking everything right now just to help him on a mission that's just him up against a fully guarded enemy base for a friend who may or may not even still be alive. Was this the smart thing to do? Obviously not, but I knew it was the right thing to do and knew I needed to help him.

Steve returned wearing his stage helmet and shield. "Okay, I'm ready." He told me. I just stared.

"What are you wearing?" I asked rhetorically.

"I need some form of protection on my head and I figured the shield could help." He explained.

I rolled my eyes and got the helicopter ready. We headed towards Germany and immediately after crossing the border we started getting shot at. "Hey, Steve!" I shouted. "We're gonna need a change of plans!"

"Already on it!" He shouted back as he opened the side door. "As soon as I jump you fly back to base. I'll return with 107th soon."

"That's hardly a-" before I could finish he jumped. "You didn't have a parachute." I mumbled.

I made my way back to base safely and thankfully unnoticed by anyone. All I could do now was wait and hope for Steve to return. There should be some time before my father notices he's missing. Then when he does I have to hope that Bucky doesn't recognize me, and Steve doesn't tell anyone the truth about who I am.

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