Chapter 26

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Wanda has been training me for a few days and unfortunately, it's my last day with her before they put me back.

"Wanda," I began as we sat in the training room. "You're very powerful, you know that right?"

"I suppose I do yes," she giggled. "Why do you ask?"

"Well, I just want you to know that one day, should you need to, you can escape this place. You can escape all of them. Fight for your beliefs." I explained.

"Thank you Y/n. I'm aware." She smiled. "I hope to meet you again one day."

"That won't happen, Wanda. I already told you what they do to me when I leave." I sighed.

"Well, I have hope. The only family I have is my brother." I looked up at her. "Though now I believe I may have a sister as well." She smiled.

I smiled back at her until the door opened and I stood up straight. "Prodigy!" The man boomed. "It is time to return."

I nodded and began to follow him. Before I left the door I turned to look at Wanda. "I'll miss you." She smiled as I left.

We boarded the helicopter and began our trip back to the base. "Will I be training with her again sometime?" I asked.

"No, you can't get attached to these other projects. You will very likely never see a single one of them again." He explained harshly.

"Well, that one was harmed by Stark Industries. We share an enemy."

"As well as sharing a leader. Hydra managed to get into both of your heads." He began explaining. "We made both of you feel safe until you couldn't get out of it anymore. Once you were in too deep that's when we show you the truth. You're an experiment. I'm sure you're used to it, you've been one you're whole life."

I remained silent out of anger. As badly as I wanted to shout at him he was right. I was in way too deep to escape.

When we returned on base I saw Bucky sitting in the medical room waiting for me. He had cuts all along his flesh arm.

I began working but waited until the men left to speak to him. "Are you okay, Bucky?" I asked.

"Who is Bucky?" He blankly replied.

"That's your name, Bucky, we need to keep it a secret though. They can't know you know your own name." I explained. "Where'd you get these cuts?"

"The widows have gotten better with their training." He answered. "Thank you, Prodigy."

"You're welcome, Bucky." I replied.

"How was your extra experimenting?" He asked. I think the men have convinced Bucky that rather than being an experiment I was the one experimenting.

"Well, I gained some abilities," I began. "Absorption and expulsion. I believe it was a reaction to my previous experiment with ferrofluid."

"Will you be joining me on missions then?" He asked.

"Only when needed," I responded. "They still need me for the science but I will be accompanying you occasionally and, should you need it, I'll be your backup."

"That's perfect. I couldn't imagine anyone I trust more." He sighed. "You're the only person I trust, the only person I know actually, and I don't even know your name, half the time I barely know mine."

"I know Bucky. I'm sorry." I sighed. "I'll take care of you though. I'm here to keep you safe."

"Thank you, prodigy." He smiled softly.

"Of course." I finished cleaning him up. "You're all fixed now. We should head back to our chambers now."

I began walking him through the hall, back to where they kept us locked away. I saw two men walking towards us. "Hello, Prodigy, Soldier." The man greeted. "Prodigy follow me. Soldier you go with him back to your chamber."

Bucky looked at me before following instructions and walking back to his chamber. I followed the man through the halls and he took me to my workplace. This was where I did most of my designs for their weapons and tech.

"Why have you brought me here?" I asked.

He smacked me harshly across the face. This had become a regular practice of the men any time Bucky or myself disobeyed. "Do not get smart with me prodigy. What is it you talk to him about when you request to work on him alone?" He hissed.

"I don't know what you mean, sir." I lied.

"Each time he talks to you he gains more awareness of his surroundings. As if he remembers you. As if he remembers himself." The man explained.

"I don't talk to him about anything, sir. Perhaps being out more has caused him to remember more." I suggested.

The man glared at me as I hoped my lie worked. "Very well," the man reluctantly believed me. "however, if he slips up, it'll be on you Stark." He spat the name I haven't heard in such a long time.

"Yes sir. Is there anything else?" I cautiously asked.

He smacked my old designs on the table. "The mask you made for the soldier. I need you to make the one you designed for yourself. From now on, since you'll be accompanying The Winter Soldier, you'll need to be hidden from the public."

"Yes, sir." I agreed and began my work

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