Chapter 51

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I know she wasn't meaning to but Y/n was really beating our team to the ground.

I sat frozen trying to think of something to do. I flew up by her and grabbed her arms behind her back. She struggled in my hands as I tried finding a way to shut her suit down alone. As she was struggling she flipped me around over her head and sent me to the ground.

I noticed Rogers sprint past me towards her. He jumped up and slammed his shield down on her head. She stumbled then recovered sending a few blasts at him that he blocked. He threw the shield at her torso sending her back a bit before she threw it back at him.

I was furious. I blasted right in front of Rogers. "What the hell is wrong with you?!" I shouted. "We are trying to contain her, not hurt her."

"Tony you need to understand-" he began.

"No, Rogers, you need to understand! She's my sister! It's my fault she's in danger, it's my job to protect her, if I have to protect her from you then so be it!" I shouted.

While we were both distracted by arguing Y/n flew up and smashed to the ground between us. She lifted each hand at us and began blasting both of us with energy from her suit.

Steve held up his shield and I blocked with my hands. I saw Steve get sent flying in the opposite direction. She turned her other hand towards me and began blasting me with both hands. The energy of her suit was too powerful for mine. "Sir there's a severe level of energy overloading absorbing into the suit!" FRIDAY informed me.

I knew what to do to beat her but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I knew it'd harm her. It would put her in so much danger and could even kill her. So I sat for as long as I could blocking her.

After just a few seconds of blocking her, I heard FRIDAY again. "System shutdown in 5 seconds sir."

"I know FRIDAY." I accepted.

Sure enough, once those 5 seconds were over the suit shut down and I collapsed to the ground on my knees, unable to get up.

Y/n shockingly stopped shooting at me and just stood straight.

The man said something in Russian and Y/n flew back to his side. "I'm sure we'll see each other again Stark." He boasted. "Remember if you try to follow us all I have to do is give her one single order and she'll be gone."

Before I knew it all of the Hydra men retreated with Y/n following after them. We lost. Not only the fight but we lost her. I failed.

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