Chapter 12

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I walked off to find Steve, still furious about my father and blood still dripping from my nose. I brought the rag to my face to wipe it every few minutes. I entered a tent and saw Bucky sitting at the table alone.

"Is Steve here?" I asked.

"Yeah, he's just around-" he looked up at me and paused. "My god, are you okay? What happened?"

Steve walked into the tent and looked at me. "Y/n, are you alright? What happened?"

"I fell." I quickly and coldly replied. "Stark said there's no one to help you."

He nodded his head. "Bucky can you give us a minute?" Steve asked without breaking eye contact with me.

Bucky gave me a worried look before leaving. "What really happened?" Steve asked concerned.

"I told you. I fell." I answered.

"No, you didn't. You don't get that from a fall." He replied. "Did he hit you?"

I slowly nodded my head. "I thought he was your dad? Doesn't he care about you?" He asked.

"Of course he doesn't. I'm an experiment to him like you only he at least sees you as a person and a soldier." I responded angrily. "I asked him if I could join you on the mission and he said he couldn't risk his 'project Prodigy.' I hate that he calls me that. It's the only thing he's thought of me as since he gave me that stupid serum." I angrily explained. It was nice to have Steve to talk to and trust.

"I'm sorry, Y/n." He sighed. "You're more than an experiment you know. You're an amazing, strong, intelligent woman. Your father should be grateful to have you."

"Thank you, Steve." I smiled softly.

"Well, now that I've got you trapped in here a bit I think it's time you stop avoiding someone before both of us risk our lives on the next mission." He laughed.

I sighed as he walked out and told Bucky to come back in and sit with me. He's right I have been avoiding Bucky. Something about Bucky just makes me feel safe enough to let my guard down and I can't risk it.

"You know you're a tough woman to talk to. One might even say you're avoiding me?" He smiled.

"Maybe I am James." I joked.

"I told you, call me Bucky." He replied and laughed. "So Steve thinks you're fit for the next mission? Didn't know you could fight."

"There's a lot about me you don't know, Bucky. I can't tell you my life story in a single night of dancing." I laughed.

"Well, how about now?" He asked. My face dropped slightly trying to see if he was serious. "If you can fight why do you work as Stark's assistant. You shouldn't spend your life taking notes."

"I -uh" I stuttered. "Mr. Stark wants me to be prepared for anything."

"Well, what about your dad. You said he was strict, does he know you're here right now?" He asked.

"Um yes actually, he approves of everything Mr. Stark asks me to do, including business trips." I explained. Technically that wasn't a lie, anything 'Mr. Stark' asked me to do was also approved by my father.

"Do you enjoy your job?" He asked. I sat and thought about it for a moment. What I'm doing isn't even a job, it's my life, and I couldn't stand it. I shook my head. "Then why do it? Honestly Y/n you're incredibly smart, I knew that from the day I met you. You can do just about anything. There's no reason to stay."

He was right. I could get away from all of this if I wanted to. "I think that's enough questions, Barnes."

"One more." He told me and I sighed. "Did you really fall?" I sat in silence and his face showed me he knew what that meant.

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