Chapter 21

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They opened my door and I turned to see them getting Bucky out as well.

"Hello, miss, it's very good to see you again." The man smiled and I recognized it was the same man from when I designed the weapons and masks. The man who told me my father replaced me. "I have a mission for your soldier and we require your input before sending him in."

"Of course, sir. What's the mission?" I asked.

"Howard Stark." Just hearing his name made me fume. "It appears he has another attempt at the serum and we wish to steal it from him. He's transporting it tomorrow night. How do you recommend we take it?"

"Wait till it's being transported," I answered. "Once it's in the transportation process it'll be easier not to get caught."

"Right. It's settled then, once the serum is in transportation we stage it as a standard robbery." He responded and began walking away.

I thought for a moment. My father wouldn't let an experiment slip through his fingers that easily. "Wait!"

The man turned back around with a smile. "Yes?"

I took a deep breath and furrowed my brows. "Exterminate Mr. Stark. Along with any other witnesses." I may have become cold but this was the only way to not be caught.

"Very well miss. He'll be sent out tomorrow evening."

I spent the day preparing the ammo for the mission later that night. I couldn't believe what I was setting up but I knew it needed to be done. I was sent in with Bucky to give him the orders.

"Hello, soldier." I spoke seriously.

"Hello. You have my mission for tonight?" He asked very blankly. I could tell he was wiped again yesterday.

"Yes," I took a deep breath. "You will exterminate Howard Stark and any witnesses. Then, from his vehicle, you will find some Super-Soldier Serum. Take that and return here."

"Anything else?"

"If you search the car you may find some more potentially important information. Take as much as you can." I replied. I figured if he has anything else with him we need to take it now.

"Is he ready?" A man came in and asked me.

"Yes." I replied.

Bucky stood up and was sent out the door. The man from earlier stepped in. "I have another task for you."

I got up and followed him. For the first time in decades, he took me outside. There was a small plane waiting.

The plane took us to Russia and he walked me onto a training facility. "This is The Red Room."

"Why am I needed here?" I asked as I looked around.

"You and your soldier are going to work with these girls from time to time." He explained to me. "I would like for you to design some simulations for the girls to practice with."

We entered the room and I saw many young girls. Very young. All of them were practicing their shooting. As we walked past the girls I saw one drop her gun.

The guard nearby was about to intervene but as I stepped forward the man with me stopped him.

I picked up her gun and knelt next to her. "You need to hold it with both hands, my dear," I said, thankful that the men had been teaching me many languages. "Firmly, and keep it very steady. Both eyes on your target. Now shoot." I talked her through it as she got a perfect shot.

"Thank you, miss." She didn't smile but bowed her head slightly.

I lifted her chin. "What is your name?"

"Natalia Romanoff." She answered.

"You may call me Y/n." I responded with a smile.

I stood back up and faced the man. "I'm sure I'd be able to come up with a few simulations for them."

"Great, let's return to base and see what you can design."

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