Chapter 18

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I finished the surgery for Bucky's arm, now starting up at his shoulder, and I teared up looking at the claw marks he created. I couldn't imagine how terrified he must have been.

They haven't let him and I talk or see each other since yesterday, but thankfully today I'll be the only one in the room when he wakes up. I saw that he started to stir and hoped for the best. "Hi, Bucky." I smiled and whispered calmly. He looked at me blankly. "I've finished with your arm so you have a new arm again okay. You're fully able to control it, same as your normal arm only it's metal, okay?"

He looked at me and nodded. "W- what-" he stuttered as he spoke. "What is your name, again?" He asked.

It hurt to know that this was because of what they did. "It's Y/n, honey." I began to cry. "I'm here to keep you safe." He nodded again and laid his head back down.

I left the room to report to the other scientists. "No negative reaction to the arm, Sir." I told him as I stood tall.

"Perfect. From this point forward you are to call him 'soldier.' He is now 'The Winter Soldier' and that is the only name he shall know. You will be directly in charge of him seeing as how he won't harm you and you know the arm." The man explained. "He will go into Cryogenic sleep tonight, you shall join him tomorrow. We will wake you both when needed."

"Sir, if I may," I began as I hesitantly asked a question. "Why are we going into Cryogenic sleep?"

"We want to make use of the both of you for as long as possible. You shall both be our weapons now." He answered.

The thought of me being a weapon for Hydra made me shiver. "And sir, why can't he keep his memory?"

"He showed us he was a risk when he chose to tear his arm off yesterday." The man answered. "You on the other hand need to keep your pretty mind. We need your brain intact. Since you've been very obedient we won't wipe you."

I nodded and returned to my cell then watched as they placed Bucky in a tall freezer nearby. He remained calm but once he was in he made eye contact with me and reached out to me but by that time his body had frozen over.

I began to lightly cry. Perhaps my father would've been proud to see me be obedient. Maybe he's mourning for me or even decided to honor me publicly. I hoped Steve finished his mission and could go on to live his happier life, I know the return without either of us must have been awful for him.

The next morning a man came to my cell to collect me. He unlocked the door and walked me over to the surgical table. "Do I have another surgery?" I asked.

"Lay on the table." He coldly instructed.

My breath hitched in my throat as I realized I was about to be an experiment all over again. I laid on the table and the man began tightly strapping me down. I waited alone in the room and looked over towards Bucky in his freezer. My eyes teared up as I thought of the fear he was in and is going to continue to be in.

Some scientists began walking in with a surgical rolling table as they brought it to my side. I saw they had a bottle of a bright blue liquid and got a familiar feeling. My mind began to give me flashbacks to my father doing this as a child.

"This, Y/n, is hydras Super Soldier Serum. We know you had your fathers already but we want to see how this one will affect you." He explained as he filled the syringe. "It may hurt as the serum fills your veins, as I'm sure you know."

I nodded and one man tightly grabbed my arm as the first man slowly injected the needle. He was right, it was excruciating to feel the serum course through my veins. I screamed in pain as the serum took a few minutes to fully cycle through my body. Once it did the pain suddenly stopped and I breathed heavily. It took longer than Steve's but definitely not as long as the first one.

"Wonderful, now you and The Winter Soldier have had our serum." My breath hitched again, they must have given the serum to Bucky when they caught him the first time when Steve went and saved him.

They began unstrapping me from the table and stood me up to walk me to the freezer next to Bucky. I looked at him as I entered. I heard their muffled countdown as I got colder, then I fell asleep.

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